Command sim 3 Flashcards
LVO take off. Cargo smoke leads to RTO.
Exercise completes once EVAC completed
LVO take off
Exercise stops at approx 1500ft
EDLW low fuel scenario +
Slats/flaps handle inop after selecting CONF 2
FNC is crucial:
Fly - Select speed. Prepare for a go around, which will be from 2500-3000ft and with a missed approach altitude of 3000ft. Decide whether to select Flaps 0 in the go around.
Nav - Standard missed approach [initially], or straight ahead.
Com - have a quick chat about the go around that’s about to be flown. Brief your colleague on flying it in selected speed, and selecting TOGA and then straight back to CLB. Communicate with ATC that a go around needs to be performed.
…. Ready for the go around?
…. OK: “Go around [flap]” - “Flap… 0”
Proceed to hold, either as part of missed approach or enroute to your diversion airport. Then:
- Confirm the failure
- Stop ECAM for C/R/AP
- Read status
- ECAM or QRH complete
- Another FNC check before managing the failure. Hand over control?
Time: Final reserve may be affected as S/F stuck in position may be increasing drag.
Can the flaps still move? Maybe it was a sticky microswitch?
Consider slowing down and selecting other flap configurations
Calculate landing distance required & Vapp
Determine speed to be flown for go around
Take a note that LDG DIST calc will specify lever position for landing: F3
Consider GPWS warnings that may occur on final approach
As fuel is critical, going to an airport where landing is assured may be better than committing to an airport that’s right on minima.
Likely landing distance is going to be about 2200m, so continue to Dortmund is not an option. Dusseldorf and Cologne are suitable. Note weather and landing distance.
Once crew have decided, inform ATC and start heading towards final approach.
One crew member sets up approach to diversion airport and briefs him/herself. Other crew gives cabin manager NITS brief.
How will the approach be flown? In selected speed with flap lever in F3 (to ensure SRS GA mode is available), although slats/flaps will be stuck between 0 and 1. Much higher approach speed, so early stabilised approach is probably best.
Fuel position: most likely on minimum fuel at this stage, with mayday fuel if a go around is needed.
EDLW low fuel scenario +
L/G not downlocked
First action: FNC
Fly: Go around will be needed. Have a quick chat about this before actioning it.
Nav: Standard missed approach is probably fine. Take a note of MSA and minimum holding altitude.
Com: Brief other pilot on go around actions first. Tell ATC. Then action the go around.
Once establised in the go around and enroute to a hold, confirm the failure. It will be LG NOT DOWNLOCKED (this warning occurs if the landing gear sequence has not completed by 30s after landing gear has been selected down).
The ECAM procedure calls for the landing gear lever to be recycled. With the fuel situation as it is, this procedure may need to be delayed until on final approach.
Revisit FNC. By this time, you will probably be on the way to the hold at Dortmund or Barmen. Go into the hold, then: “Confirm the failure”
“LG Not Downlocked, confirmed on the WHEEL page by two red triangles (etc etc)”
The ECAM actions are short and conclude with “L/G - GRAVTY EXTN”.
Stop ECAM - consider C/R/AP.
Additional Procedures are: QRH L/G GRAVTY EXTN.
Reading the status confirms this. Remove status? ECAM actions complete.
Consider handing over control while failure is managed.
Time: Final reserve will be affected, as landing gear may not retract.
Landing distance procedure may be required.
Configuring early to allow for QRH L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION
Landing will need to be assured to reduce the possibility of a go around. This will affect what weather conditions you accept.
Review the QRH, which initially says “If L/G GEAR NOT DOWNLOCKED alert was displayed and IF TIME PERMITS:”, basically recycle the gear lever 3 times. If time does not permit (which it doesn’t), then you start going through the hand crank.
Further diagnosis/what if is to brief the “If unsuccesful” case, which is the LDG WITH ABNORMAL L/G PROC. Review that QRH.
If landing with a wheel not downlocked is to happen, the cabin should be prepared for an emergency landing.
There is no penalty for landing with abnormal landing gear. However, it’s important that landing will be assured after the gear is selected down, so potentially an airport that’s OVC005 (such as Dusseldorf) is a better option than Dortmund (which is OVC003).
Once crew have decided, inform ATC, and put yourself in a position from where you can start a final approach.
One crew member sets up approach. Call CM to flight deck and give NITS brief for an emergency landing, which may get downgraded to a precautionary landing if the gear actually downlocks.
How will the approach be flown? An early selection of landing gear is preferable, in order to make sure that the landing gear gravity extension checklist can be completed.
If landing with abnormal landing gear is required, the QRH calls for landing with a minimal amount of fuel, so putting the landing gear down earlier would be preferable in order to burn off more fuel.
EDLW low fuel scenario +
First action: FNC
Fly: Go around will be needed. CM1 screens all gone, so hand over of control may be required. AP should still be available.
Nav: Standard missed approach is probably fine. Take a note of MSA and minimum holding altitude.
Com: Brief other pilot on go around actions first. Tell ATC. Then action the go around.
Once establised in the go around and enroute to a hold, confirm the failure.
Revisit FNC. By this time, you will probably be on the way to the hold at Dortmund or Barmen. Go into the hold, then: “Confirm the failure”
“LG Not Downlocked, confirmed on the WHEEL page by two red triangles (etc etc)”
The ECAM actions are short and conclude with “L/G - GRAVTY EXTN”.
Stop ECAM - consider C/R/AP.
Additional Procedures are: QRH L/G GRAVTY EXTN.
Reading the status confirms this. Remove status? ECAM actions complete.
Consider handing over control while failure is managed.
Time: Final reserve will be affected, as landing gear may not retract.
Landing distance procedure may be required.
Configuring early to allow for QRH L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION
Landing will need to be assured to reduce the possibility of a go around. This will affect what weather conditions you accept.
Review the QRH, which initially says “If L/G GEAR NOT DOWNLOCKED alert was displayed and IF TIME PERMITS:”, basically recycle the gear lever 3 times. If time does not permit (which it doesn’t), then you start going through the hand crank.
Further diagnosis/what if is to brief the “If unsuccesful” case, which is the LDG WITH ABNORMAL L/G PROC. Review that QRH.
If landing with a wheel not downlocked is to happen, the cabin should be prepared for an emergency landing.
There is no penalty for landing with abnormal landing gear. However, it’s important that landing will be assured after the gear is selected down, so potentially an airport that’s OVC005 (such as Dusseldorf) is a better option than Dortmund (which is OVC003).
Once crew have decided, inform ATC, and put yourself in a position from where you can start a final approach.
One crew member sets up approach. Call CM to flight deck and give NITS brief for an emergency landing, which may get downgraded to a precautionary landing if the gear actually downlocks.
How will the approach be flown? An early selection of landing gear is preferable, in order to make sure that the landing gear gravity extension checklist can be completed.
If landing with abnormal landing gear is required, the QRH calls for landing with a minimal amount of fuel, so putting the landing gear down earlier would be preferable in order to burn off more fuel.
EDLW low fuel scenario +
EDLW low fuel scenario +
EDLW low fuel scenario +
ENG 1 thrust lever fault
EDLW low fuel scenario +
ATC requested G/A;
FCU 1+2 fault after gear selected up.
When the failure happens, FNC is crucial. APs & A/THR are lost. Thrust is locked.
FLY: Attempt to re-engage AP & A/THR. This won’t be possible, so ensure bird is displayed (this should happen automatically).
NAV: Ensure terrain safe.
Reset available in flight: system 1 on overhead. System 2 on rear panel.
Primary altitude reference will become ISIS. Because of this, an airport that is right on Cat 1 limits isn’t a good idea.
No auto callouts
Manual flight, raw data
ND will be stuck at 80nm
No terrain data displayed
AP 1+2 failure at 100’ RA
ENG 1 FIRE after passing 100kt