Oligopoly pt3 Flashcards
Why do many cartels break down?
-Falling market demand in a recession
-Overproduction by some members
-Exposure by competition authorities
-Entry of non-cartel firms into the industry
Penalties for cartels
Fines and imprisonment
Potential benefits from collusion
-Increase in general industry standards can bring social benefits
-Can produce fairer prices for producer cooperatives in lower and middle income countries
-Profits have value e.g. capital investment, research and development
Costs of collusive behaviour
-Damages consumer welfare - Loss of consumer welfare and hits lower income families
-Absence of competition hits efficiency - X-inefficiencies leads to higher costs and there is a loss of allocative and dynamic efficiency
-Reinforces the cartel’s monopoly power - Harder for new businesses to enter which reduces market contestability
Game theory
The study of how people and businesses make decisions in strategic situations. Oligopoly uses game theory to model the actual behaviour of businesses in concentrated markets.
What does game theory consist of
-Might involve some form of pre commitment
Simultaneous games
When players make their decision at the same time and you dont know the choices of other when making their choices e.g. rock paper scissors.
Sequential games
Players take alternative turns to make their choices e.g. chess. This is important as there may be a first mover advantage or disadvantage.
Valuing the future in repeated games
If you get punished tomorrow for bad behaviour today and you value the future highly, its in your own self interest to behave today