Market structures pt2 Flashcards
Objectives for firms
Social/environmental concerns
Firms will change their behaviour based on what their objectives are
Perfect competition
Theoretical extreme market, there are no real markets like this
Perfect competition characteristics
Many buyers/sellers-extreme competition
Free market entry/exit-no barriers
Perfect information-consumers/firms are well informed
Homogenous products
Firms are profit maximisers and price takers(cant influence market price)
Perfect competition close example
Farmers markets- Lots of buyers/sellers, Fairly homogenous product, Very similar pricing, Easy to get information
Perfect competition graph information
Firms DC (demand curve) is horizontal (perfectly elastic) as they are price takers, cannot influence market price
Markets DC is normal-downwards sloping, law of demand still holds
Perfect competition-Demand and supply
Demand and supply determines price in the market and firms that take that price cannot influence it
Perfect competition profit
Resources are allocated efficiently with PC. In SR supernormal profit is made, in LR normal profit is made.
Lower profits with PC
Firms cannot set a higher price or cant afford a lower price than market price due to cost of producing products. All consumers have access to the same products. Firms cant set themselves apart by charging premium price for higher quality products and services