Monopoly Flashcards
Pure monopoly
A single supplier that dominates the entire market-the market has 100% concentration
Working monopoly
Any firm with greater than 25% of the industries total sales
Dominant firm
A firm with at least 40% markets share
Concentration ratios
A measure of market dominance. The top 3 or 5 firms in a market
Key features of a monopoly
-Price making power
-Firms can set prices or quantities but not both
-Downwards sloping AR and MR curve
-Barriers to entry exist to maintain supernormal profit
-Imperfect information
-Profit maximisation is assumed but may be different in an oligopoly with a dominant firm
-Firms that don’t profit maximise aim to maintain their market share
Economic case against Monopoly
-Prices are higher than under competitive conditions
-Leads to a loss of allocative efficiency (price>MC)
-Regressive effects on lower income households
-Absence of genuine market conditions may lead to production inefficiencies
-Monopoly may get too big = diseconomies of scale
-Protected markets = may be less drive to innovate
-X-inefficiencies such as advertising spending
Deadweight loss of welfare caused by monopoly
Loss of consumer welfare + Loss of producer welfare
This means that the average cost of production is higher than on the AC boundary
Economic case for monopoly power
-Profits used to fund investment and research
-Natural monopoly leads to economies of scale
-Faces global competition so can be more efficient
-Monopoly firms can be regulated
-Price discrimination may help some consumers