Observations Flashcards
Where the researcher observes and records ppts behaviour but does not manipulate any other variables.
Structured observation
Observer has pre-determined coding categories for behaviour.
Strength of structured observation
Easier to record and to obtain inter-rater reliability.
Weakness of structured observation
Reductionist and can lower validity.
Unstructured observation
Observer records everything observed during the observation.
Strength of unstructured observation
Increases validity and gives you a wider range of context.
Weakness of unstructured observation
Harder to record and establish reliability. Open to observer bias.
Naturalistic observation
Observation is set in a natural environment.
Strength of naturalistic observation
High in ecological validity
Weakness of naturalistic observation
Low in reliability.
Controlled observation
Observation is set in an artificial environment.
Strength of controlled observation
High in reliability.
Weakness of controlled observation
Lacks ecological validity.
Covert observation
Participants are unaware we are being watched.
Strength of covert observation
Increases validity.
Obtain more natural behaviours.
Less chance of social desirability and demand characteristics.
Weakness of covert observation
Ethical issues as it is hard to obtain informed consent.
Overt observation
Participants are aware they are being watched.
Strength of overt observation
Easier to get informed consent.
Weakness of overt observation
Decreases validity.
Higher chance of social desirability and demand characteristics.
Participant observation
Researcher takes part in the activities the participants are doing.
Strength of participant observation
Greater accuracy and detail.
May be only way to observe behaviour.
Weakness of participant observation
Reduces validity as researcher can influence behaviours.
Ethical issues.
Non-participant observation
Researcher remains separate from activities participants are doing.
Strength of non-participants observation
Easier to be objective as there is no influence on behaviour.
Weakness of non-participant observation
Cant observe certain behaviour.
Less detail and accuracy.
Event Sampling
Every occurrence of behaviour that is on the behaviour code checklist, is observed and recorded.
Strength of event sampling
Less likely to miss event.
Increases validity and reliability.
Weakness of event sampling
Hard if lots of behaviour occurs at once, so events may be missed and not coded for.
Time sampling
Behaviour, that is on the behaviour code checklist, is observed and recorded at specific time intervals.
Strength of time sampling
More representative over time and can get more reliable observations.
Weakness of time sampling
Can miss important events if they occur not in timed intervals.+