Nutrition Language Sleep Play Injury Prevention Flashcards
Toddler nutrition
Anorexia and food jags
Quality over quantity
No more than 1 qt of milk a day
3-4 yrs nutrition
Continue to see food jags strong taste preferences
Nutrition by age 5
Starting to be interested in the social aspects of eating
5-6 years nutrition
Beginning to try new foods if encouraged to help prep
School age nutrition
Quality of the child’s diet depends on family’s pattern of earring
Junk food
Nutrition education impoooowwwtant
Adolescent nutrition
Iron calcium zinc and protein doubled
Fast food influenced by peers
Birth to 4 months language
1-3 months language
Cooing & babbling
2 month language
3 months language
4 months language
6 months language
Imitates actions and sounds
9-10 months language
Comprehend the word no
Obey simple commands
10 - 12 months language
Begins to ascribe meaning to words such as mama and dada
12 months language
1-2 words with meanings
Sleep in the first 6 months
14-17 hours of sleep -swaddling morning and afternoon name
Bed time rituals , self soothe, crib for sleep only
Sleep Alone
On their Backs with no *Blankets or *bedding
In a *Crib and cool (70 degrees)
In a smokefree environment
SIDS factors due to pregnancy
Drug use
Poor prenatal care
Low maternal age
Prematurity or low birth weight
Multiple birth twins
Sids related to care
soft pillows or bedding
Prone sleeping position
Toddler sleep
12 - 14 hours
Afternoon naps until age 3
Firm limits
Bed time rituals
Transitional objects
Preschool sleep
Average of 12 hours sleep
Naps go away
Night mares and night terrors
Bad dream they usually remember
night terrors
Child lets out a cry but have no memory of it the next day
School age sleep
Average 9 1/2 hours depending
May walk or sleep talk
Adolescent sleep
About 9 hours
Melatonin gets released later so they dont go to bed till later because they have trouble falling asleep early