nutrition (2) Flashcards
what is an essential component of growth and development
when does birth weight triple by?
1 year
how long should children breastfeed with other nutrients
two years and beyond
advantages of breastfeeding
- enhances brain development
- easily digested and absorbed
- fosters immune defense
- psychological benefits
what does breastfeeding protect against
- otitis media/resp infections
- diarrhea
- 1/2 DM
- obesity/ high BP
- asthma, atopic dermatitis
- childhood leukemia
how long does it take to digest milk?
2-3 hours
how many times is an infant fed in 24 hours
8-12 times
what are all babies supplemented with?
vit D
what does sleeping with a bottle increase the risk for?
otitis media?
what are constipating foods
rice cereal, bananas
what kind of milk should infants 6-12 months have?
only breast milk or fortified formula
-no cows milk!
when should introductions of complementary food begin?
6 months, decreasing extrusion reflex
for what reasons can complementary foods be given at 6 months
- infant can sit well with support
- can appreciate texture
- swallow non-liquid food
- indicate desire for food
- turn away from food when full
what foods can be sterted at 6 months
single ingredient fruit, vegtables, grains, and meats, in any order
what are laxative acting foods
prunes, pears, peaches, and apricots
common allergenic foods
peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, eggs
when can honey be introduced?
12 months
if an infant doesn’t want to eat, do you force?
how do you prevent early childhood caries (major tooth decay)
- smear or rice grain sized toothpaste when teeth start coming in
- no water to rinse
- spit without rinsing
- flouride varnish q6 months
- establish a dental home by 12 months
what does the metabolic rate look like in toddlers?
starts slowing?
how many meals and snacks should toddlers get, and what do they need?
- 3 meals, 2 snacks
- sliced meats, cheese, fruits and veggies
at what age do kids display physiologic anorexia
how much milk is the maximum per day
no more than a quart (32 oz)
how much juice is the maximum per day
4-6 oz
should preschoolers be making food choices on their own?
yes when applicable
when should education be provided on healthy food choices?
school age children
when should children be included in food purchase and prep
school age
how many teeth erupt by 12 years old
what are anthropometric measures of measuring nutrition
- weight
- length
- head circumference
what factors are considered when measuring and comapring weight
gender and age
what is a calculation based on weight and height to determine if they are in preportion
what is included in dietary history of nutritional assessment
- 24 hour food recall
- food frequency questionaire
- dietary screening
- food diary
what are diets normally deficient in
iron, calcium, vitamin d, folic acid
what are characteristics of colic
- paroxysmal abd pain
- severe crying
- supportive management
what is an important tool that can be used to help with nutrition choices?
when does birth weight double in infants?
4-6 months
does breastfeeding happen easily?
no, baby knows how to suck and swallow, but the process takes around 2 weeks to get the hang of
what should not be added to a bottle unless prescribed?
When can cows milk be introduced
1 year
What is the concern about feeding an infant cows milk?
GI bleeding and anemia, interferes with absorption of nutrients, increased solute which are difficult to discreet
Why can complimentary foods start to be given at six months
the extrusion, or tongue thrusting reflex, is decreased
what can starting complimentary foods to early lead to?
obesity early on
How should foods be introduced to prevent allergies?
One food at a time, don’t introduce more than one until a couple days have passed
when should non-risk infants be introduced to possible food allergens?
6 months
Why is honey not given before 12 months old
botulism risk
What foods are choking hazards?
Hot dogs, hard vegetables, candy, whole grapes, peanut butter
how much milk should a toddler consume in one day?
16-24 oz
Which of the following are healthy ways to serve food to toddlers?
1. Establishing a pattern of sitting at a table for meals
2. permitting nutritious snacking in place of meals
3. allowing some simple choices
1 and 3 only
what are food jags?
Only eating a few foods for a certain amount of time
When do children start losing baby teeth?
6 yo
How many teeth are there total after all of them have come through?
When is there an increased need for calories
During growth spurts and sports
What can an instant wear when they are weighed?
Only a dry diaper
what can a toddler or preschooler wear while they are weighed?
Just their underwear
What can older children wear to be weighed?
Hospital gown or clothes with no shoes
When does a child switch from having their length taken to having their height taken?
Whenever they are able to stand
at what age does the head circumference stop being measured?
2 yo
When is a food diary taken
1-7 days, no holidays
what does the AAP recommend for the amount of daily exercise?
30-60 min
What is calcium deficiencies caused by? (enteral)
Carbonated beverages and juice
how many units of vitamin D do children from birth to 12 months old receive per day?
400 units
How much vitamin D is recommended for children greater than 12 months old per day?
600 units
What are sources of folate in the diet?
Bread or sources of flour, yeast, spinach, avocado, green leafy vegetables, beans, peas, liver, and fruit
what is a gluten sensitive interopathy that is an intolerance for gluten?
Celiac disease
What does a gluten intolerance affect and what can it cause?
Effects fat absorption initially, can cause steatorrhea (fat in stool)
What are signs and symptoms of celiac disease?
Chronic diarrhea, growth impairment, abdominal distension
In what foods is gluten-found?
Wheat, barley, rye, and oats
how and when is celiac disease diagnosed?
Diagnosed at any age, measure fecal fat content, duodenal biopsy, improvement when gluten is removed from the diet
What is failing to eat enough to be adequately nourished called?
Avoidant / restrictive food intake disorder
(Formerly failure to thrive)
what are the 2 types of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
organic and no specific cause
what kind of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder is related to some specific disease
what are causes of non-specific cause avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder?
- poverty
- caregiver depression
- substance abuse
what are clinical manifestations of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
- weight loss less than 5th%ile
- food refusal
- erratic sleep patterns
- irritable, difficult to soothe
- developmentally delayed
- no weight gain/weight loss
clinical therapy of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
- history and physical
- may be hospitalized
- disgnostic tests
goals of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder treatment
- provide adequate caloric and nutritional intake
- promote normal growth and development
- teach feeding, hunger cues, schedule
what is a potentially life threatening eating disorder that primarily affects teenage girls and young women
anorexia nervosa
what are causes of anorexia nervosa
- culture
- media
- biological
- stressors
- fam issues
clinical manifestations of anorexia nervosa
- extreme weight loss
- long excessive workouts
- peculiar ways of dealing with food
- distorted body image
- depression
- OCD/anxiety
what are physical signs and symptoms of anorexia
- cold intolerance
- abdominal discomfort
- bloating
- irregular menses
- malnutrition
what are treatment options of anorexia
- gradual weight gain via enteral feeding or TPN
- physchotherapy (individual or family)
what is binge eating followed by a weight control method
bulemia nervosa
what demographics are more likely to be bulemic?
- white, higher social status
- adolescent girls/women
- average age of 20
what are physical finding related to purging from bulemia?
- malnutrition
- dehydration/electrolyte imbalance
- erosion of tooth enamel from acidic vomit
what diet changes are made when kids are routinely playing sports?
- increase intake of good food
- no increase in fats
- increase water
what are the main deficiencies seen in vegetarian diets?
- vit d
- B12
- zinc
what are some minor deficiencies seen in vegetarian diets?
iron, fiber, calories, protein, fat
what is a peds nickname for G tube?
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