NSG 200 Test 1 Prep Flashcards
Based on the reading materials referenced within Canvas & Sherpath. Test Date 2023.09.19
What is the first step of the physical examination?
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
______ involves observing the patient from front to back and from each side, as well as checking for symmetry of body parts, obvious injuries, or abnormalities and overall appearance.
General inspection
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
____ is the inspection of each body region systematically from head to toe.
Systematic inspection.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
Perform the _____ inspection followed by the _____ inspection.
General then systematic
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
____ is a technique using the hands and fingers to gather information through the sense of touch.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
Perform ____ palpation before _____ palpation.
Shallow then deep
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
____ uses sound waves to determine the density of tissue
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
Percussion tones include:
Tympany, resonance, hyperresonance, dullness, and flatness
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
Percuss from an area of _____ to an area of ____.
Resonance to dullness.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
Use ______, _____, or ____ percussion to elicit appropriate findings.
Direct, indirect, or fist.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
Place the stethoscope on _______ to ensure accurate findings.
Patient’s bare skin
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
What are the 4 characteristics of sound?
Duration, intensity, pitch, and quality
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Exam Technique Chapter 8)
The _____ is an essential piece of equipment used in health assessment to auscultate body sounds.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
What are the four types of stethoscopes?
Stereophoneic, acoustic, magnetic, and electronic.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The four main points of the acoustic stethoscope are:
Tubing, head, earpieces, and binaurals,
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The stethoscope head includes:
the diaphragm and the bell.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The diaphragm auscultates ___-pitched body sounds such as:
high-pitched body sounds
such as lung sounds, normal heart sounds, and bowel sounds.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The bell auscultates ____-pitched body sounds, such as
low-pitched body sounds,
extra heart sounds, heart murmurs, and arterial bruits.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The purpose of the pulse oximeter is
to measure the oxygen saturation of the blood.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The pulse oximeter probe is placed on a part of the body that is highly vascular, such as
the finger, the toe, the earlobe, and the bridge of the nose.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
Blood pressure is measured using
a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope or with an automated electronic device.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
Accurate blood pressure measurements rely on ______ used on the patient’s limb.
an appropriate size cuff
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The _______ uses a system of lenses and mirrors and a light source that projects through different apertures, allowing examination of the inner eye structures.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The ______ uses a light source to achieve direct examination of the ear canal and tympanic membrane.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The examiner selects the _____ size speculum that fits into the patient’s ear canal.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The ____ of an adult must be ____ to straighten out the ear canal.
pinna, pulled up and back
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The child’s _____ must be ______ when assessing tympanic temperature.
pinna, pulled down and back
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The _____ & _____ speculum should be used for nasal examinations.
shortest & widest
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The percussion hammer, or reflex hammer, is used to test:
deep tendon reflexes.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The percussion hammer has two sides, what are they?
a pointed side and a flat side.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The ____ surface of a tendon hammer is more commonly used to strike a tendon directly, and it is more comfortable for the patient.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The ____ surface is used to strike the tendon directly or strike the nurse’s finger placed on the tendon, and in small areas.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The nurse’s ______ also can be used to elicit the deep tendon reflexes, especially in small children who may find the percussion hammer intimidating.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
______________ are used to assess vision in both adults and children.
Visual acuity charts
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The ____ chart tests far vision in adults and children ages 6 and older.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
Vision in children ages _____ to _____ is tested using the Tumbling E, HOTV, LH symbols, or Broken Wheel charts.
1 to 6
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
Near vision in an adult is assessed using the ______ or _____ charts or by ______.
Rosenbaum or Jaeger, or by reading newsprint.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
Normal vision is 20/20, and the ______ the denominator, the poorer the patient’s far vision.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
______ vision is assessed in a similar way with the Rosenbaum or Jaeger charts, but the patient holds the chart ___ inches from eyes.
Near, 14-inches
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The _______ is used during health assessment to test auditory sensation or vibratory sensation.
tuning fork
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
A ____-pitched tuning fork with a frequency of 500 to 1000 Hz is used to evaluate auditory sensation.
“if the second number has 4 digits, then it matches the 4 letters of HIGH. If it has 3 digits, it matches LOW”
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
A high-pitched tuning fork with a frequency of _____ to ____ is used to evaluate auditory sensation.
500 to 1000 Hz
The tuning fork used to test vibratory sensation has a ____ pitch between 100 and 400 Hz.
Lower case “l” looks like the first number “1” 100. l=1 l=low
both numbers are 3 digits and LOW = 3 letters
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
A low-pitched tuning fork used to test vibratory sensation has a pitch between _____ and______.
100 and 400 Hz
To activate the auditory tuning fork: ________
gently squeeze and stroke the prongs or tap them against the heel of the hand so that they ring softly.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
The activated tuning fork is placed _______ to test hearing
on top of the skull or placed by the ear
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
To activate the vibratory sensation tuning fork, _______
tap the prongs against the heel of the hand and hold the activated tuning fork over a bony prominence. The patient should feel a vibration if vibratory sensation is intact to that joint.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Examination Equipment Chapter 8)
Normal body temperature ranges from ____ to ____ Fahrenheit
97.2° to 100° Fahrenheit
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Normal body temperature ranges from ___ to ___ Celsius.
36.2° to 37.7° Celsius
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Common locations to assess body temperature include:
oral, axillary, temporal artery, tympanic, and rectal.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
______ is the most reliable form of measurement and can be measured using the tympanic thermometer.
Core body temperature
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
The best sites for palpating the arterial pulse are:
carotid, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
When palpating the pulse of a healthy adult, the nurse should palpate the pulse for:
30 seconds and then multiply the number of palpated beats by 2.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
The healthy adult patient should have a pulse between ___
and ___
60 and 100 beats per minute.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Expected findings for pulse include:
regular rhythm, strong amplitude, and smooth contour.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Respiration is the measure of:
inspiration and expiration.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
The nurse should count the respirations for:
30 seconds and then multiply that number times 2.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
The nurse should note the _____ and ____ of respirations a well as the ____ or ____
rate and depth of respirations, as well as the effort, or difficulty with which the patient breathes.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
A normal respiratory rate for a healthy adult patient is
12 to 20 breaths per minute.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
When assessing breathing in a healthy adult patient, the nurse expects to find
effortless breathing, a regular rhythm, and both thoracic and abdominal movement.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
_______ is the force of the blood against the artery wall during contraction and relaxation of the ventricles.
Blood pressure
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Blood pressure gives the nurse information about the patient’s:
cardiac output, hydration status, and function of the cardiovascular system.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
The nurse should follow the correct steps for blood pressure measurement and record both the _____ and the _____
first systolic sound and the second diastolic sound.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Accurate measurement requires that the pulse ox probe be placed on a site where the skin is translucent, such as
the finger, toe, or pinna of the ear.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Normal oxygen saturation levels are between
95% and 100%.
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Hypoxia is noted when the saturation falls below
(Jarvis Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Vital Signs Chapter 10)
Physical examination requires the sequential use of four assessment techniques:
inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
_____ is close, careful observation of the individual as a whole and then of each body system.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
_____ is the use of touch to assess texture, temperature, moisture, and organ location and size. This technique also helps identify swelling, vibration or pulsation, rigidity or spasticity, crepitation, lumps or masses, and tenderness or pain.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
The ____ are best for fine tactile discrimination.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
______ is ideal for detecting position, shape, and consistency of an organ or mass.
Grasping with the fingers and thumb
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
Grasping with the fingers and thumb is idea detecting:
position, shape, and consistency of an organ or mass.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
The backs of the hands and fingers are good for determining ______.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
The _____ or _____ is best for assessing vibration.
(parts of bass guitarist’s hand)
base of the fingers or ulnar surface of the hand
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
The base of the fingers or ulnar surface of the hand is best for assessing
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
______ detects surface characteristics and accustoms the person to being touched.
Light palpation
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
Light palpation detects
surface characteristics and accustoms the person to being touched.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
______ assesses an organ or mass deeper in a body cavity.
Deep palpation
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
Deep palpation assesses _________ or ________
an organ or mass deeper in a body cavity.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
_________ requires the use of both hands to envelop or capture certain body parts or organs.
Bimanual palpation
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
Bimanual palpation requires the use of both hands to
envelop or capture certain body parts or organs.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
_______ is tapping the patient’s skin with short, sharp strokes to assess underlying structures. This technique is used to assess the location, size, and density of an organ, detect a fairly superficial abnormal mass, or elicit a deep tendon reflex.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
Percussion is tapping the patient’s skin with short, sharp strokes to assess:
underlying structures.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
To perform percussion:
hyperextend the middle finger and place its distal joint and tip firmly against the person’s skin. Then use the middle finger of your dominant hand to strike the stationary finger at a right angle. Deliver two even, staccato blows, using a quick wrist action.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
Each percussion sound has four components. What are they?’
Quality, pitch, amplitude, and duration
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
_____ is the sound’s intensity, which may be loud or soft.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
______ describes the number of vibrations per second.
Pitch or frequency
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
_____ is the subjective difference due to a sound’s distinctive overtones.
Quality (or timbre)
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
____ is the length of time the note lingers.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
______ is listening to sounds produced by the body, usually using a stethoscope. The heart, blood vessels, lungs, and abdomen are common areas.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
Use the stethoscope’s ______ for high-pitched sounds, such as breath, bowel, and normal heart sounds.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
Use the stethoscope’s ____ for soft, low pitched sounds, such as extra heart sounds or murmurs.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
To ensure accurate auscultation, eliminate confusing _______, for example, by making sure the room is quiet and warm and not listening through clothing.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
The single most important step to decrease microorganism transmission is thorough
handwashing or using an alcohol-based hand rub.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 8)
What routes of temperature measurement reflect the body’s core temperature?
oral, rectal, tympanic, temporal
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The ____ route of temperature measurement is the most accurate and convenient
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The ____ route is the most accurate route and the result is as close to core temperature as possible without using more invasive measures.
Pretty invasive if you ask me….
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The _____ route senses infrared emissions of the eardrum, thus it is an accurate measurement of core temperature.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The _____ thermometer works by taking multiple readings and providing an average.
temporal artery
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
When palpating a peripheral pulse, assess three qualities:
rate, rhythm, and force.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
In an adult at rest, the rate normally ranges from _____ to ____ beats per minute but varies with age and gender.
50 to 95
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
A pulse lower than ____ beats/minute is bradycardia.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
A pulse higher than ___ beats/minute is tachycardia.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The pulse rhythm normally has an _____, _____ tempo.
even, regular
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The force of the pulse shows the strength of the heart’s stroke volume. The force is measured how?
From 0 for absent to 3+ for a full, bounding pulse.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
Normally, respirations are
relaxed, regular, automatic, and silent.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The normal respiratory rate varies with the patient’s ____.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The ratio of the pulse rate to respiratory rate commonly is ___ to __.
4 to 1
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
______ is the force of the blood pushing against the blood vessel walls.
Blood pressure
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
____ is the maximum pressure felt on the artery during left ventricular contraction.
Systolic pressure
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
____ is the elastic recoil (or resting) pressure the blood exerts constantly between contractions.
Diastolic pressure
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
____ is the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures and reflects the stroke volume
Pulse pressure
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
_____ is the pressure forcing blood into the tissues, averaged over the cardiac cycle.
Mean arterial pressure
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
Several factors affect blood pressure, including
age, sex, race, diurnal rhythm, weight, exercise, emotions, and stress.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The blood pressure level is determined by five factors:
cardiac output, peripheral vascular resistance, volume of circulating blood, viscosity, and vessel wall elasticity.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
To obtain an accurate measurement, the width of the cuff’s rubber bladder should equal __% of the circumference of the person’s arm.
“spray lube…”
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
The length of the bladder should equal __% of the arm circumference.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
With the patient’s bare arm supported at heart level, center the cuff about ___inch(es) above the brachial artery
1 inch
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
What are the names of the sounds you should hear while deflating the BP cuff?
“__ + __= __”
Korotkoff sounds I, IV, and V.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
____ vital signs are taken when the patient is in various positions: supine, sitting, and standing.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
A ____ may be used to locate peripheral pulse sites or for blood pressure measurement when sounds are difficult to hear with a stethoscope alone.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 10)
A health _____ is a structured interaction between you and the patient.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
During which interview phase do you introduce yourself and your role?
The first
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
_____ ask for specific information in short, one- or two-word answers.
Closed or direct questions
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
Through _____, _____, _____, _____, and _____ you react to the facts or feelings the patient has communicated
Facilitation, silence, reflection, empathy, and clarification
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
Through facilitation, silence, reflection, empathy, and clarification, you react to the facts or feelings the patient has communicated. Your response focuses on:
the patient’s frame of reference.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
Through ____, ____, ____, and ____ your response focuses on your own frame of reference, expressing your thoughts, and feelings.
confrontation, interpretation, explanation, and summary.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
Through confrontation, interpretation, explanation, and summary, your response focuses on:
your own frame of reference, expressing your thoughts, and feelings.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
_________ communication is important in establishing rapport and conveying information while providing clues to understanding feelings.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
WHO (1948) defines health as ___
“a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health, Wellness, and Models of Health: Chapter 6)
______ is an active process of self-care involving making healthy choices.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health, Wellness, and Models of Health: Chapter 6)
The _________ explores how patients’ attitudes and beliefs predict their health behaviors.
Health Belief Model
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health, Wellness, and Models of Health: Chapter 6)
_____ exists on the health continuum and is the polar opposite of wellness.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Illness: Chapter 6)
__________ is any condition characterized by signs and symptoms of rapid onset and short duration (less than 6 months) that affect normal functioning.
Acute illness
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Illness: Chapter 6)
___________ is any condition in which signs and symptoms persist over a long period (more than _ months) and impact normal functioning, occasionally causing permanent alteration in functioning.
Chronic Illness, 6 months
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Illness: Chapter 6)
Chronic illness is characterized by periods of _______ (disappearance of clinical manifestations) and ___________ (worsening of clinical manifestations).
remission and exacerbation
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Illness: Chapter 6)
During the illness experience, patients:
monitor physical well-being
label and interpret symptoms
take curative actions
enter the health care system.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Illness: Chapter 6)
Determinants of health are the:
personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Factors Influencing Health: Chapter 6)
According toHealthy People 2020, determinants of health are classified into the following five categories:
Policymaking, health services, individual behaviors, biology and genetics, social determinants
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Factors Influencing Health: Chapter 6)
Biologic and genetic determinants of health include
age, sex, and genetic risk factors.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Factors Influencing Health: Chapter 6)
Social determinants of health are the conditions in the environments in which people ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, and ____ that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.
live, learn, work, play, worship, and age
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Factors Influencing Health: Chapter 6)
There are five key areas of social determinants of health as outlined by Healthy People 2020:
- Social and community context
- Health and health care
- Economic stability
- Education
- Neighborhood and built environment
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Factors Influencing Health: Chapter 6)
Health promotion includes activities that assist individuals create a balance of ____, ____, ____, ____, and ____ to achieve a state of optimal health.
physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual well-being
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
_______ includes passive and active strategies:
Health promotion
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
_____ strategies are actions or conditions that benefit an individual’s health and do not require the individual’s active involvement.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
____ strategies of health promotion require individuals to be engaged participants in activities to improve and maintain health.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
_______ involves activities and interventions that delay or prevent symptoms, complications, and death related to illness.
Illness prevention
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
_______ are any situations, habits, conditions, or other variables that increase the susceptibility of an individual or group to physical or mental harm.
Risk factors
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
____ prevention focuses on the prevention of disease.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
An example of _____ prevention is health education about safe sex practices.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
______ prevention is aimed at detecting hidden disease.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
An example of ______ prevention is screening for HIV.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
Examples of ______ prevention are medication to stop a disease process and nursing interventions to alleviate suffering related to an incurable disease.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
prevention activities focus on performing actions to protect individuals (persons/patients) from the use of medical interventions that demonstrate no benefit to patients.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
________ ________identifies leading health indicators that are high priority health issues in the United States.
Healthy People
(Potter Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 6)
Definitions of health vary among individuals based on a person’s:
health beliefs, developmental age, and level of functioning.
(Potter Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 6)
______ variables, such as a person’s developmental stage and spirituality, and external factors, such as family roles and SDOH, influence a person’s health, health beliefs, and health practices.
(Potter Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 6)
_____ prevention reduces the incidence of disease, secondary prevention prevents the spread of disease when it occurs, and tertiary prevention minimizes the effects of disease or disability.
(Potter Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 6)
Reducing risk factors and improving health usually require ______
a change in health behaviors.
(Potter Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 6)
Illness behaviors are different reactions people have when they become ill. Variables such as ______, ______, and _____ affect a person’s illness behaviors.
PERCEPTIONS of the illness
the TYPE of illness or disease,
and the VISIBILITY of symptoms
(Potter Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 6)
______ prevention is designed to treat and manage diagnosed disease.
(Potter Sherpath Lesson Key Points: Health Promotion, Illness Prevention, and Levels of Preventative Care: Chapter 6)
During the working phase, gather ____
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
During the first phase, begin the interview by
introducing yourself and your role
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
______ ask for narrative information.
Open-ended questions
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
During the ____ phase, gather data. Start with open-ended questions, which ask for narrative information. Then use closed or direct questions, which ask for specific information in short, one- or two-word answers.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
The interview has three phases:
an introduction,
a working phase,
and a closing.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
____ factors are specific to the examiner.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
_____ factors relate mainly to the physical setting
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)
Internal factors promote good communication. They are:
Liking others, expressing empathy, the ability to listen, and self-awareness.
(Jarvis Sherpath Key Points: Chapter 3)