Jarvis 4 (The Complete Health History) Flashcards
The purpose of the _______ is to collect
subjective data, which is what the person says about himself or herself.
complete health history
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
For____ patients, the health history is used to assess lifestyle and encourage healthy behaviors. This history should recognize and affirm what the patient is doing right.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
For___ patients, the health history includes a detailed, chronologic record of the health problem.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
For____ patients, it is a screening tool for abnormal symptoms, health problems, and concerns.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
No matter what form is used to record the health history, plan to gather data in_____ categories.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
The 8 categories collected in the health history are:
1 Biographical data
2 Source of the history
3 Reason for seeking care
4 Present health, or history of present illness
5 Past health events
6 Family history
7 Review of systems
8 Functional assessment
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
Biographic data includes:
the patient’s name, date of birth as well as occupation, primary language, and communication needs.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
The reason for seeking care, formerly known as the chief complaint should be
in the patient’s own words, briefly describing the reason for the visit, stating one or two symptoms or signs and their duration.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
Past health events include
Childhood, serious, and chronic illnesses; accidents or injuries; hospitalizations; operations; obstetric history; immunizations; allergies; and last examination date, as well as current prescribed, over-the-counter, and herbal medications.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
A functional assessment, includes
activities of daily living, measuring a person’s self-care ability, and assessing the patient’s self-esteem and self-concept.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
When assessing the adolescent, use the _______ method to obtain a complete picture of the teen’s psychosocial state.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
HEEADSSS stands for
Home environment, Education and employment Eating
peer-related Activities
Safety, including driving.
(Jarvis 4 Key Points Document)
During the patient interview, the nurse should identify: (10)
1 Chief complaint
2 History of present illness
3 Medical history
4 Family history
5 Personal and social history
6 Cureent health including past events.
7 Past diagnoses ofchronichealth conditions, as well as family medical history.
8 Personal and social history reveals habits and behaviors that affect the patient’s health.
9 Barriers to completing the health history should be addressed quickly by the nurse in an effort to prevent a breakdown in communication and poor data collection.
10 Barriers including patient cognitive ability, anxiety or depression, crying and emotional intimacy, and seduction.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Components of a Patient History Key Points)
When taking the health history ofchildren and infants, the nurse should pay equal attention to
the child and the accompanying adult.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
When assessing ______, the nurse must consider their self-esteem, the importance they place on peer pressure, and the potential for tension with parents, because these things may affect patients’ willingness to participate in the patient history assessment.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
When assessingadolescents, the nurse must consider _____, ______, and ______.
their self-esteem, the importance they place on peer pressure, and the potential for tension with parents,
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
_______ patientsmay be affected by age-related physical changes that decrease their overall function and the ability to understand or respond to the nurse’s questions.
Older adult
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
With ___ patients, the nurse must remain flexible and willing to change the course of the interview based on the patient’s needs.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
When dealing with patients with physical or cognitive impairments, the nurse should adapt interview techniques based on
the patient’s condition and immediate needs.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
If the patient has some hearing, or can read lips, the nurse should
speak slowly and enunciate so that the patient is able to understand.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
The visually impaired patient should
be frequently reoriented to the surroundings.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
For patients with cognitive impairments, the nurse must
be careful to note the patient’s ability to understand and respond to questions.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
Using a family member to help relay information is especially helpful for patients with
severe cognitive impairments.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
When assessing for the presence of alcoholism, domestic violence, spiritual preference, and sexuality, the nurse must carefully
phrase questions that are not offensive, judgmental, or leading.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)
Screening tools exist that help the nurse identify a problem, such as ____ and ____; however, once the tool identifies a problem exists, it is up to the nurse to follow up with a complete assessment.
(Jarvis 4 Sherpath Special Considerations for History Taking Key Points)