Jarvis 16 (Ears) Flashcards
The ear is the sensory organ for hearing and maintaining equilibrium. It has three parts: _____, _____, and _____
the external, middle, and inner ear.
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The ear is the sensory organ for ____ and ____
hearing and maintaining equilibrium
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The shape of the external ear funnels sound waves into its opening, the __________
external auditory canal
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The ___________, separates the external and middle ear.
tympanic membrane (or eardrum)
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
What should the tympanic membrane look like?
translucent and pearly gray
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The ______ pulls at the center of the ear, causing it to appear oval and slightly concave.
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The__________ is the small, slack, superior section of the membrane.
pars flaccida
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The _________ is the remainder of the membrane. It is thicker and more taut.
pars tensa
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The _______is the outer fibrous rim of the ear drum.
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The _______ is a small air-filled cavity inside the temporal bone.
middle ear
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The middle ear is a small air-filled cavity inside the ______ bone.
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The middle ear contains three bones: _____, _____, and ____
malleus, incus, and stapes
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What are the three functions of the middle-ear?
Conduct sound
Protects the inner ear
Equalization of air pressures
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The _____ allows equalization of air pressure on each side of the tympanic membrane.
eustachian tube
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The eustachian tube allows equalization of air pressure on each side of the _______.
tympanic membrane
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The _______ contains the bony labyrinth, which holds the sensory organs for equilibrium and hearing. In the labyrinth, the vestibule and semicircular canals compose the vestibular apparatus, and the cochlea contains the central hearing apparatus. Although the inner ear is not accessible to direct examination, you can assess its function.Y
Inner ear
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The inner ear contains the bony labyrinth, which holds the sensory organs for
equilibrium and hearing
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
In the labyrinth, the _______ and ______ compose the vestibular apparatus, and the cochlea contains the central hearing apparatus. Although the inner ear is not accessible to direct examination, you can assess its function.Y
vestibule and semicircular canals
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
In the _____ , the vestibule and semicircular canals compose the vestibular apparatus.
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
The ______contains the central hearing apparatus. Although the inner ear is not accessible to direct examination, you can assess its function.
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
Hearing loss may be ______, _____, or _____.
conductive, sensorineural, or mixed
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
_____, _____, and _____ are some examples of what may cause conductive hearing loss.
Cerumen buildup, otosclerosis, and ototoxic
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
Hearing involves the auditory system at the _____, _____, and _____ levels.
peripheral, brainstem, and cerebral cortex
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
In infants, the eustachian tube is __________ than it is in an adult.
relatively short and wide and is more horizontal
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
In adults younger than age __, otosclerosis is a common cause of conductive hearing loss.
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
In adults younger than age 40, _______ is a common cause of conductive hearing loss.
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
In aging adults, hearing acuity may be decreased because of _____. _____. and _____.
the coarse and stiff cilia lining the ear, impacted cerumen, and nerve degeneration in the inner ear
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
cerumen ___, ____, and ____ the external auditory canal. Cerumen also is _____, and it _______
lubricates, waterproofs, and cleans
antibacterial and traps foreign bodies
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
Upon otoscopic examination, the tympanic membrane position may be ____, ____, or ____.
flat, bulging, or retracted
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
To assess the vestibular apparatus, perform the _______, which evaluates the inner ear’s ability to maintain standing balance.
Romberg test
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
To assess the _________ _______, perform the Romberg test, which evaluates the inner ear’s ability to maintain standing balance.
vestibular apparatus
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
To assess the vestibular apparatus, perform the Romberg test, which evaluates the:
inner ear’s ability to maintain standing balance
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
In an older adult, expect the tympanic membrane to appear____, ____, and ___ than in a younger adult.
whiter, more opaque, and duller
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)
In an ______ adult, expect the tympanic membrane to appear whiter, more opaque, and duller than in a _____ adult.
older , younger
(Jarvis Ch 16 Key Points)