Northern Italy - WSET L3 in Wines Flashcards
What are the key wine regions in Northern Italy?
Alto Adige, Trentino, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, and Piemonte.
What is the climate of Northern Italy?
Moderate climate with short, dry summers; influenced by the Alps, rivers, and lakes.
How do the Alps affect Northern Italy’s vineyards?
They provide a rain shadow, sheltering vineyards from excessive rainfall.
What is the traditional trellising system in Northern Italy?
Pergola, where vines are trained high with fruit hanging below a canopy of leaves.
What is Alto Adige known for?
Aromatic whites and elegant, light-bodied reds.
What is the main white grape variety in Alto Adige?
Pinot Grigio.
What is the primary red grape in Alto Adige?
Schiava, producing light, fruity wines with flavors of raspberry and plum.
What is the climate of Alto Adige?
Moderate, with a large diurnal range due to high altitudes.
How does the climate of Trentino compare to Alto Adige?
Slightly warmer due to its southerly location and lower altitudes.
What are the primary grape varieties in Trentino?
Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio for whites; Teroldego and Merlot for reds.
What is Teroldego?
A black grape producing deeply colored, medium to full-bodied wines with black fruit aromas.
How are Trentino wines labeled?
Under the regional name Trentino DOC.
What is Friuli-Venezia Giulia known for?
Rich, ripe white wines, especially Pinot Grigio.
What are the main sub-regions of Friuli-Venezia Giulia?
Friuli Grave DOC, Collio DOC, and Colli Orientali DOC.
What are the characteristics of Pinot Grigio from Friuli?
Medium to full-bodied with juicy peach and tropical fruit flavors.
What is the native white grape of Friuli?
Friulano, producing wines with pear, red apple, and herb aromas.
What are Veneto’s most famous wines?
Soave, Valpolicella, and Prosecco.
What is the primary grape in Soave?
Garganega, producing medium-bodied wines with high acidity and citrus flavors.
What is the passito method?
A winemaking technique where grapes are dried to concentrate sugars and flavors.
What is Valpolicella Ripasso?
A wine made by fermenting Valpolicella with Amarone grape skins to enhance flavor and tannins.
What are the two sub-zones of Soave?
Soave Classico DOC and Soave DOC.
What is the typical flavor profile of Soave wines?
Medium to high acidity with flavors of pears, apples, and white pepper.
What is the main grape in Valpolicella wines?
Corvina, providing acidity and red cherry flavors.
What are Amarone della Valpolicella wines?
Full-bodied wines made using the passito method, with intense red berry and spice flavors.
What is Recioto della Valpolicella?
A sweet red wine made from dried grapes, with high sugar levels.
What are Piemonte’s most famous wines?
Barolo, Barbaresco, and Gavi.
What grape is used in Barolo and Barbaresco?
What are the characteristics of Nebbiolo?
High tannins, high acidity, and flavors of sour cherries, herbs, and roses.