Normal Moisture Balance Flashcards
Embalmer must maintain normal water balance
55-60% average male; 45-50% average female
Technique: Use hypotonic solution
Mild/moderate solution = better penetration to tissues
Technique: Use intermittent or alternate drainage
Allows body to retain moisture; allows better penetration to tissues
Technique: Inject at slower rate
Rapid injection & drainage causes too much moisture loss; can cause short circuits
Technique: Delay cavity treatment; inject last portion of fluid with drainage closed
Allows better penetration to tissues
Cover body in plastic shroud when refrigerating
Prevents loss of moisture due to air swipe
Avoid using out-of-date fluids
Can dehydrate tissues
Technique: Use massage cream on cotton used to build features
Prevents moisture wicking from mucous membranes
Technique: Use cold water to prepare solution
Slows fluid reaction = better distribution & diffusion
Apply massage cream to exposed tissues
Prevents dehydration; keeps skin pliable