Normal Labour Flashcards
normal physiological process during which the foetus, membranes, umbilical cord and placenta get expelled fromt the uterus
- this usually occurs spontaneously between 37-42weeks
how long is labour for prims and multips?
prims - 1st pregnancy - usually lasts between 12-18hours
Multips- had a previous pregnancy- usually lasts between 6-8hours
- uterus and muscles become more efficient with a prior pregnancy
what is causes contractions to start?
progesterone ↓ and oxytocin and prostaglandins ↑
- they cause release of free intracellular Ca which stimulates contractions
what 2 physiological changes must occur to allow for expansion of the foetus?
- cervix softens
- myometrial tone changes to allow for co-ordinated contractions
identify and describe the stages of labour
1- begins with initiation of contractions and ends at full cervical dilatation
2-begins at full cervical dilatation and ends with delivery of foetus
3- period between delivery of foetus and expulsion of placenta and membranes
describe the 1st stage of labour
- latent & active phase
- latent - until cervix reaches 4cm
- active (established) - from 4-10cm
- in established 1st stage
- regular, painful contractions which result in progressive effacement (baby’s head opens cervix) and cervical dilatation
- complete when cervix dilated to 10cm
what are initial obs done in 1st stage of labour?
- Obs
- Urinalysis
- Colour of liquor
- Membranes
describe the 2nd stage of labour
- active + passive
- passive: full dilatation of cervix without contractions (no urge to push)
- active: full dilatation of cervix with contractions
- delivery of baby is by
- extension
- restitution
- delivery of shoulders
describe the 3rd stage of labour
- may be physiological or active
- controlled cord clamping
- when pulsation stopped
how may you assess the progress and monitor labour?
- Obs
- BP
- pulse
- o2
- temperature
- RR
- urine output
- urinalysis
- abdominal palpation
- vaginal examination
- auscultation of foetal heart
- palpation of uterine muscle contractions
- monitoring of liquor (colour, smell, volume)
analgesia used in labour?
- Breathing, massage, TENS, paractamol and diihydrocodeine
- Entonax (inhalational nitrous oxide and oxygen)
- Opioids –> morphine, diamorphine, pethidine
- Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia
- epidural