Non diabetes causes of hypoglycaemia Flashcards
What are the autonomic and neuroglycopenic symptoms of hypoglycaemia?
Autonomic - Sweating, palpitations, pallor, tremor, nausea, irritability and hunger (in most people without diabetes this occurs at 3mmol/L)
Neuroglycopenic - Inability to concentrate, confusion, drowsiness, personality change, slurred speech, incoordination, weakness, dizziness, visual impairments, headaches, seizure and coma.
What is Whipple’s triad?
- Symptoms which are consistant with hypoglycaemia
- Low plasma glucose,
- Relief of those symptoms once plasma glucose is raised.
Basically determines if someone is having a hypo because some people can have BMs of 2mmol/L and be asymptomatic
What else is important to know in context of hypoglycaemia?
Whether symptoms occur in the fasting period or the post prandial state (after a meal). This determines what diagnostic tests you preform
What are the different non-blood related investigations for hypoglycaemia?
- If post prandial symptoms then do a mixed meal test up to 5 hours.
- If fasting symptoms then do 72 hour fast. Finish the fast when plasma glucose is at 2.5mmol/L with symptoms, if 72 hours have passed or if plasma glucose is below 3mmol/L and whipples triad previously documented
What are the different blood test investigations for hypoglycaemia?
- Glucose,
- Insulin,
- C peptide (co released with insulin)
- Screen for sulphonureas,
- Beta hydroxybutyrate (keto body - low in insulinoma)
- Insulin antibodies
What are the different imaging techniques for endogenous hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia?
- CT or MRI of pancreas or endoscopic ultrasound.
- Arterial calcium stimulation (distinguishes focal (insulinoma) from diffuse disease (islet cell hypertrophy). This is preformed when imaging is negative.
What are the Pancreatic causes of spontaneous hypoglycaemia?
- Insulinoma,
- Non insulinoma pancreatogenic hypoglycaemia (hypertrophy of cells)
- MEN1
What are non isclet cell tumour hypoglycaemias?
- Insulin growth factor 2 secreting tumours,
- Lymphomas/myelomas/leukaemias,
- Metastatic cancer
What are different autoimmune causes of hypoglycaemia
- Autoimmune insulin syndrome,
- Anti insulin receptor
What are some drugs that can induce hypoglycaemia?
- Insulin,
- Sulfonylureas,
- Repaglinide,
- Salicylates,
- Beta blockers,
- Trimethoprim,
- Levofloxacin
What are some dietary toxins which can induce hypoglycaemia?
- Alcohol,
- Mushrooms causing acute liver failure
What are some organ failure causes of hypoglycaemia
- Severe liver disease,
- end stage renal disease
- Renal dialysis,
- Congestive cardiac failure
What endocrine diseases can cause hypoglycaemia?
- Adrenal failure,
What are some other miscellaneous causes of spontaneous hypoglycaemia?
- Sepsis,
- Starvation,
- Anorexia nervosa,
- Total parental nutrition,
- Severe excercise excess
What is the likely causes of hypoglycaemia in ill or medicated patients?
- Look at drug history for precipitating cause,
- Look to see if they have a critical illness which may have caused the hypoglycaemia eg, organ failure or sepsis,
- Hormone deficiencies (cortisol)
- Non islet cell tumour
What are the likely causes of a spontaneous hypoglycaemia in a seemingly well patient
- Endogenous hyperinsulinism either from insulinoma, functional islet cell disorders (nesidioblastosis) such as noninsulinoma pancreatogenic hypoglycaemia, insulin autoimmune hypoglycaemia.
- Accidental or Malicious hypoglycaemia