Neuromuscular Dysfunction Flashcards
What is cerebral palsy?
A permanent disability associated with prenatal, perinatal, and post natal causes; “Brain paralysis”
What are some possible causes for cerebral palsy?
Prenatal and birth asphyxia, kernicterus, maternal infection, ELBW, Shaken baby syndrome, severe hypoglycemia
What is Kernicterus?
High bilirubin levels
What is the pathophysiology of CP?
Anoxia (total depletion of oxygen) with vascular occlusion, atrophy, loss of neurons, and degeneration of neurons that causes severe brain damage.
What are the four types of CP?
Spastic, Dyskinetic/Athetoid/Dystonia, Ataxia, Mixed Dystonic
What are characteristics of Spastic cerebral palsy?
Increased muscle tone with increased deep tendon reflexes and clonis, fine and gross motor movements are impaired.
What muscles are involved in spastic cerebral palsy?
Flexor, adductor, and internal muscles
What is clonis?
Sudden dorsiflexion of ankle with spasms
What are some symptoms of spastic CP?
Crouched gait, toes are in, scissoring (crossed legs), heel cord contracture, sculiosis
What is spastic CP associated with?
Prematurity, preexisting abnormalities
What do 40% of patients with spastic CP have seizures?
BC of the location of it in the brain
What are the 3 S’s associated with spastic CP?
Seizures, Scissor, Sculiosis
What are some characteristics of Dyskinetic/Athetoid/Dystonia CP?
Purposeful, involuntary, uncontrollable movements of face and extremities. Movements increase with stress and puberty. Deep tendon reflexes are normal.
What is dyskinetic?
Choreoid movements of involuntary jerking
What is dystonia?
Decrease in muscle tone
What is athetosis?
Slow movements iwth increased drooling and dysarthria
What is dysarthria?
Problems with speech articulation.
What are characteristics of athetoid CP?
Slow, wormlike movements, increased drooling, dysarthria
What are characteristics of ataxic CP?
Flaccid; Wide gait, disturbed coordination, unsteady gait, slurred speech, nystagmus (dancing eyes), cant gauge distance or speed
What are characteristics of mixed CP (spasicity and athelosis)?
Individual is tight and rigid, pronounced reflexes, combined symptoms.
How is CP diagnosed?
Prenatal history, assessment- walking, crawling, assess reflexes, MRI for brain lesions, EEG for seizures, genetic evaluation at 16 weeks
What is hypotonia?
“Floppy” baby- when lifted they cant support t hemselv. With Dyskenetic.
What are goals of treatment?
To establish locomotion and communicatio, gain optimal appearance, correct defects, educational opportunities, provide socialization
What does evidence show about magnesium sulfate treatment?
When given to pregnant women with eclampsia 2 hours before delivery, it decreases the risk of cerebral palsy to newborns at risk.