Fetal Assessment Flashcards
What are 3 ways to hear a fetal heartbeat?
Fetoscope, Doppler, FetalHeart Rate Monitor
How old is a fetus when you use a doppler to hear a heartbeat
12 weeks
How high should the fundal height be?
What is Leopold’s Maneuvers?
Palpating and assessing firm and soft parts to identify the fetal part in the uterus
What does Leopold’s Maneuvers check for?
Fetal position, presentation, and movement, engagement, uterine irritability, contractions, and estimated fetal weight
What does electronic fetal monitoring do?
Records fetal heart activity continously
What is the external mode of electronic fetal monitoring? (2 Types)
Tocotransducer- placed on fundus for uterine contraction or Doppler- placed below umbilicus for HR monitoring
When is internal fetal monitoring used?
After membranes are ruptured and the cervix is dilated.
What is a spiral electrode?
A small thing placed on the scalp or presenting part of fetus to monitor the HR
What is an intrauterine pressure catheter used for?
To monitor uterine contractions
What is a baseline fetal heart rate?
110-160 bpm
What is considered tachycardiac for a fetus?
greater than 160 bpm
What is considered bradycardic for a fetus?
less than 110 bpm
What does Accelerations mean related to heart rates?
an abrupt increase in heart rate above the baseline
What are some causes of accelerations?
Spontaneous movement, a vaginal exam, electrode application, breech presentation, loud sounds, contractions, anything that might upset the baby
What are decelerations related to fetal heart rate?
decreases in heart rate in response to activity or uterine contraction.
What are some causes of deceleration?
pressure on the fetal head, umbilical cord compression, decreased oxygen transfer
What are some causes of early deceleration?
head compression from the uterus, vaginal exam, fundal pressure, or placement of an internal mode.
What are nursing interventions related to accelerations or decelerations?
Change mothers position, elevate legs, increase IV, palpate uterus, stop pitocin
What is prolonged decelerations?
HR of 15 bpm below the baseline or lasting more than 2 minutes but less than 10 minutes
What are reportable conditions related to heart rate monitoring?
Nonreassuring patterns, decelerations, late decelerations, no variability, severe bradycardia, fetal dysrhymias
What are interventions for cord compression related to decelerations?
Change the mothers position, stop pitocin, adminiser oxygen, place mother with butt in the air
What should you do in an emergency?
Maximize the fetal oxygen- reposition woman in lateral position, administer oxygen, increase fluids, assess for bleeding
What are some fetal diagnostic assessments?
Chorionic Villus Sampling, umbilical blood sampling, serum alpha fetal protein for neural tube defects