Intrapartal Care Flashcards
Reasons for Onset of labor
Hormonal stimulation- prostaglandin, relaxin, oxytocin
Estrogen/progesterone hormone balance shift
Uterine distention
Rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the uterine muscles with the progressive effacement and dilation of cervix leading to the birth of the child
Produced by fetal membranes during pregnancy that can stimulate the uterus to contract
Produced by placenta, decreased supply can irritate uterus
Primary hormone that imitates labor
Signs of oncoming labor
Lightening Braxton hicks contractions more pronounced Cervical changes Bloody show Rupture of membranes
Decent of fetal head into pelvis, may occur 2-3 weeks before labor for first time mothers
Five Ps of labor
Powers Pelvis/passageway Passenger Position of mother Psyche of mother
Contraction of laboratory
3 phases of contraction
1 increment
2 acme or peak
3 decrement
What changes about contractions with the stage of labor?
Frequency (beginning of first to the next increment)
Shortening and thinning of the internal cervical os so that it becomes part of the lower uterine segment
Types of pelvis
Gynecoid, android, anthropoid, platypelloid
Shape of gynecoid pelvis
Round, most common
Shape or android pelvis
Heart shaped
Shape of anthropoid pelvis
Shape or platypelloid pelvis
What areas does the doctor look at for childbirth on the pelvis
Inlet, outlet, cavity
Fetal head is most important aspect because
Largest and least yielding of the body
Sagital suture
Follows a-p line of skull
Frontal suture
Continuation of sagital suture
Coronal suture
Between parietal and frontal bones
Lambdoid suture
Between occipital and parietal bones
Measurements of fetal skull
Biparietal, suboccipitobregmatic, occipitofrontal, occipitomental