Antepartal Care Flashcards
Definition of gravida
Woman who is pregnant
Definition of Gravidity
State of pregnancy
Woman who has had two or more pregnancies
Number of pregnancies where the fetus reached 20-24 weeks- not the number of children
Definition of A.B.
Definition of S.A.B.
Spontaneous abortion
Definition of viability
Ability to live outside of the uterus, usually 20-24 weeks or 500grams or more
Women who had 2 or more pregnancies that were viable
Definition of stillborn
Fetus that shows no life after birth
Definition of preterm
A fetus that has reached 20 weeks but not older than 37 weeks
Duration of pregnancy in days and weeks
About 280 days or 40-42 weeks
Determining due date- Nagel’s Rule
1st day of last period minus 3 months plus 7 days
Changes with pregnancy- 1st trimester uterus
Braxton hicks contractions start but are not usually felt
Endometrium changes to deciduous
Changes with pregnancy- 2nd trimester uterus
Enlarges, uterus walls thin and soften
20-22 weeks can be palpated at umbilicus
Braxton hicks contractions felt at this point
Braxton hicks contractions
Physiologic flexion of the uterus
Mcdonalds sign
Ability of the uterus to become easily flexed at the site of where the uterus and cervix join
Changes with pregnancy- 3rd trimester- uterus
Becomes it’s greatest size
Braxton hicks contractions increase in frequency
38-40 weeks fundus is located at the tip of the xyphiod process
Changes with pregnancy- 1st trimester cervix
Softening occurs Hegers and Goodell signs Increased vascularity Chadwick's sign Increased blood flow Mucous plug forms in endocervical canal
Hagers sign
The isthmus of the uterus widens to where it can be felt on a bimanual exam
Goodells sign
Softening of the cervix related to vasocongestion and hyper trophy of the cervical glands
Chadwick’s sign
Increased blood flow that causes the cervix to turn bluish purple
Changes with pregnancy- 2nd trimester cervix
No new changes just ones from 1st
Changes with pregnancy- 3rd trimester cervix
Bloody show occurs from mucous plug dislodging
Changes with pregnancy- 1st trimester vagina
Vascularity increases
Ph becomes acidic due to increase of lactic acid production from glycogen (helps keep it free of pathogenic organisms)