Neurology Flashcards
Menace response
Response not reflex as involves recognition and processing in the cerebral cortex (so not a reflex!)
Afferent: ipsilateral CN II, contralateral thalamus and occipital cortex
Efferent: contralateral motor cortex, ipsilateral cerebellum, ipsilateral CN VII
Pupillary light reflex
Afferent:CN II
Efferent: CN III parasympathetic
Trigeminofacial reflex
(Palpebral, vibrissae, lip pinch)
Afferent: CN V
Efferent: CN VII
Corneal reflex
Afferent: CN V ophthalmic branch
Efferent: CN VI (globe retraction), CN VII (blink)
Physiologic nystagmus
Where does it test and what CNs?
Pons, midbrain
Afferent: CN VIII
Efferent: CN III, IV, VI
Gag reflex
Where does it test and what CNs?
Afferent: CN IX,X
Efferent: CN IX,X,XII
List the Cranial nerves
I- olfactory
II- optic nerve
III- oculomotor
IV- trochlear
V- trigeminal
VI- abducens
VII- facial
VIII- vestibulocochlear
IX- glossopharyngeal
X- vagus
XI- (spinal) accessory
XII- hypoglossal
Spinal cord segments
Secondary to acute cerebellar lesion
Pelvic limbs can be flexed or extended
Decerebrate posture
Secondary to severe midbrain lesion
Extensor rigidity of all 4 limbs and patient is comatose
Clinical signs of upper motor neuron lesion
Normal to increase reflexes
Normal to increased tone
Disuse atrophy (weeks/months)
Proprioceptive placing deficits
Cutaneous trunci reflex
Afferent: T3-L3 spinal nerves/cord
Efferent: C8-T1 spinal nerves forming lateral thoracic nerve
Older lab with right head tilt, nystagmus slow phase to right, reduced rhs postural reactions and depression. Where do you localise to?
Central right vestibular
“Two engine” gait most likely associated with which neuro localisation?
A 7 year old dog presents with acute onset LHs head tilt, rhs hypermetria, an absent right menace response. Where do you localise it?
Right cerebellum