Neuroanatomy Flashcards
T/F The ventricles of the brain, like the paranasal sinuses, are air-filled spaces lined with mucosa.
T/F Ventricles 3 & 4 are large, C-shaped (ram’s-horn shaped) ventricles occupying some odd the deeper parts of the forebrain.
The ____ divides the front lobe from the parietal lobe.
central sulcus, a prominent cerebral landmark
The ___ divides the cerebrum into right and left hemispheres.
longitudinal fissure
The many grooves of the cerebrum are called ____.
The many outward folds of the cerebrum are called ____.
The ___ divides the temporal lobe from the parietal lobe.
lateral sulcus, another prominent cerebral landmark
The ___ is a canal connecting the 3rd and 4th ventricles.
cerebral aqueduct
The ___ form a series of hollow, interconnected chambers deep within the brain, remnants of the neural tube.
T/F A person with damage to his/her visual association area would be able to see the world around him/her but would have difficulty assigning meaning to the images s/he sees (e.g. difficulty recognizing that large, greenish “cone on a stick” as a pine tree).
T/F The cerebral cortex is about 3 mm thick and accounts for about 5 perfect of the brain mass.
T/F “Cerebral dominance” designates the brain hemisphere opposite to that which primarily contains the language abilities; thus a “left-brained” individual would primarily process language in his/her right hemisphere.
T/F The primary somatosensory cortex is located in the parietal lobe.
The primary somatosensory cortex lies on the ___.
postcentral gyrus
The primary motor cortex lies on the ____.
precentral gyrus
The ___ tracts are large bundles of axons from voluntary motor neurons which are descending down the brainstem and spinal cord; aka corticospinal tracts.
pyramidal tracts
The ____ is a fifth lobe of the brain; it is not visible on the cerebral surface.
___ are large neurons originating in the primary motor cortex and descending the spinal cord; these neurons allow us conscious control of our muscles.
Pyramidal cells
___ are speech impediments resulting from damage to language centers such as Broca’s area.
The largest areas of the motor cortex are those devoted to the ____.
hands and face
T/F The basal nuclei are composed of several masses of gray matter located deep in the thalamus and hypothalamus.
T/F Basal nuclei play a complex role in the control of movement, including inhibiting muscle tone throughout the body and inhibition of useless or unwanted movement.
T/F Disorders of the basal nuclei result in disturbances in movement, as exemplified by Parkinson disease, a disorder involving functionally related nuclei in the midbrain.
Regions of the brain and spinal cord containing dense collections of myelinated fibers are referred to as ____.
white matter