Digestive System Flashcards
T/F The main function of the gall bladder is to store and concentrate bile.
T/F In humans, vitamin B12 is largely absorbed in the duodenum.
False; the duodenum is iron country; B12 is largely absorbed in the ileum
T/F In humans, starch digestion occurs completely in the mouth; it is initiated and completed by salivary amylase
False; in fact, most starch digestion occurs in the duodenum under the effects of pancreatic amylase; I
mentioned that the reason we have salivary amylase is for oral hygiene—digest those gooey starches
clinging to our teeth before bacteria start to grow
T/F Bile salts are largely responsible for emulsification of fats in the GI tract
T/F The primary type of motility in the esophagus is peristalsis
T/F The esophageal wall is composed entirely of a mucosa; the other three GI tract tunics are absent
False; all four tunics are present; How could the esophagus effect peristalsis without a muscularis?
T/F The liver converts conjugated bilirubin from the spleen into unconjugated bilirubin, which it dumps into the bile
False; this is backwards- the liver converts unconjugated bilirubin to conjugated bilirubin
T/F Sugars can only be absorbed as simple sugars; even disaccharides cannot be absorbed
True; this is the basis for lactose intolerance
T/F The upper third of the esophagus is skeletal muscle, the lower third is smooth muscle, and the middle third is a mixture of the two.
True; this will have bearing when we discuss dysphagia in Pathology class
T/F The greater curvature of the stomach is located on the right side of the stomach.
False; it’s backward- the greater curvature is on the left
T/F Like pepsin in the stomach, pancreatic proteases are released as inactive precursors which are activated in the GI tract.
True; if cells made active proteases, they would self-digest
The mucosa of the [ esophagus/ stomach / small intestine/ large intestine ] contains numerous projections called villi, which function in the absorption of digestion products.
small intestine, esp. the duodenum
The muscularis of the [ esophagus/ stomach / small intestine/ large intestine ] is very well developed and contains an oblique layer of smooth muscle in addition to the typical circular and longitudinal layers.
A [ stratified squamous/ simple squamous / stratified columnar/ simple columnar ] epithelium lines the esophagus.
stratified squamous
The mucosal epithelium of the [ esophagus/ stomach / small intestine/ large intestine ] is stratified, since it is not concerned with secretion of digestive juices (other than mucus) and it experiences considerable friction during normal use.
An example of a [short / long/enteric/ gastrohormonal ] reflex occurs when just the thought of chocolate ice cream makes one’s stomach growl and churn.
The [endocrine / /exocrine/ proximal/ retroperitoneal ] pancreas is responsible for secreting pancreatic juice into the duodenum
The liver______________________________ form the structural and functional unit of the liver
The ____________________________________________ refers to the process by which bile salts are re-circulated in the body, moving from intestine to bloodstream to liver, and then back to intestine
enterohepatic circulation
____________________________ as well as branches of the hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein are the three members of a portal triad.
Bile ducts
_____________________________ are finger-like projections into the small intestine lumen which greatly increase the surface area of the intestinal lining; these projections, each about 1 mm long, contain capillaries and lymphatic vessels.
The _________________________ is the local nervous system of the GI tract.
enteric brain
The ____________________________ valve controls the entry of material from the small intestine to the large intestine.
____________________________ are specialized initial lymphatics found in the intestinal villi which function to pick up and transport hydrophobic digestion products; their name reflects their contents, which is generally a milky-white liquid