neuro2 Flashcards
Wilson disease: cystic degneration of
putamen lentiform nucleus (glubs palldius and putamen)
finger abduction and adduction other than thumb
ulnar nerve
solely thumb adduction
wrist adduction
ulnar nerve
runs thorugh GUyon’s canal
ulnar nerve
elbow flexion
musculateocutaneous nerve
wrist abduction
median nerve
p53 is on chormosome
right eye field generates conjugate gaze movements to the
pupillary reflexes normal in lesion to lgn and optic radiation
contralateral hemiblaism
damage to subthalamic nucelus
commmonly in lacunar stroke
loss of sensation to lateral shoulder
damage to axillary nerve
weakness of shoulder abduction due to denervation of deltoid muscle
axillary nerve
sequential impusles from same neuron oaver time
temporal summation
combined effect of simulatenous impulses from several different neurons
spatial summation
using a screwdriver
radial nerve injury: repetiive pronation / supination
where wouuld repetpive prnoantion and supinatnion injrue
radial nerve thorugh supinator canal
injury when radial nerve travels through supintaror canal
finger and thumb extension weaknese without wrist drop or sensory deficits
injury to radial nerve at axilla
weakness of forearm, hand, and finger extensor muscles (wrist drop, absent triceps reflex) w sensory loss over posterior arm , forearm, dorsolateral hand
injury to radial nerve at midshaft humerus
weakness of hand/ finger extensor muscles with sparing of triceps brachii and sensory loss over posterior forearm/dorsolateral hand
diabaetic mononeuropathy involves which CN
diabetic mononeuropathy spares
parasymp fibers: so normal pupilliaryy size nd reactivity. accomodaotion reflexes are noraml
congenital hydrocephauls ; prone to develop
muscle hypertonicity
from UMN injury caused by stretching of pervientricular pyramidal tracts
microglial nodules seen in
MS and HIV encephalopathy
negri bodies
viral inclusions in cytoplasm of nerve cells in pt’s with rabies
blurred vision
fatigue w exercise
fatigue w exercise is unthoff’s phenomeon
perivenular inflammatory infiltrates
optic tract lesions cause a relative afferent pupillary deficit in the pupil
contralateral to tract lesion, as nasal portion of retina contributes more input to pretectal nucleus than temporal part of retina