neuro test 1 pwp_embryology_hematomas Flashcards
Test 1
the process of forming the 3 germ layers
ectoderm layer becomes specifically 4 things
hair, nails, skin, nervous system
what special cell develops from mesoderm?
microglial cells
what other structures comes from mesoderm?
muscles, blood vessels, connective tissues
Endoderm becomes what
GI tract and lungs and liver
what is special about day 18 of the embryo?
neural plate
what is does the neural plate develop into?
central nervous system
ectoderm on the dorsal surface of embryo becomes what
the cranial portion of the embryo will become
the brain later
the caudal portion will become
the spinal cord
caudal >tail
what spinal structure lies ventral to the neural plate?
what does the notochord become later
neural tube develops from the
neural plate
neural tube is formed by neural ______ by day ___
- folds
2. 28
cells from the neural crest will become the
- cells of dorsal root ganglia
- sensory ganglia of CN’s
(2,5,9) - post-ganglionic autonomic neurons
- adrenal medulla cells
neuroectoderm cells become
neural crest cells
they are called neuro-ectodermal cells because
they are between the neural tube and overlying the ectoderm
neuropores are located at the
cranial end & caudal end
cranial end neuropore becomes the
3 primary brain vesicles
prosencephalon becomes the
pro ~ I am for it
mesencephalon becomes the
Rhombencephalon becomes the
prosencephalon secondary structure
telencephalon (Cerebrum)
mesencephalon, does it have a secondary structure?
no it remains the midbrain ~ mesencephalon
rhombencephalon secondary structures
what are the portions of the metencephalon
cerebellum and pons
what are the part(s) of the myelencephalon
medulla oblongata
telencephalon becomes the
cerebral hemispheres and lateral ventricles
cerebral hemispheres house the
basal ganglia
and others
basal ganglia is responsible for
coordinated movements and posture. inhibts unintentional movements.
amygdala is responsible for what
emotions especially faer and aggression and the sympathetic nervous system.
which portion of the brain links emotions to specific memories?
hippocampus is responsible for
learning and retrieval of short and long term memories
how many secondary brain vesicla are there
how many primary vesical are there?
diencephalon becomes the
thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal gland, posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and the third ventricle
thalamus is responsible for
sensory relay center, influences mood
hypothalamus is responsible for
homeostatic processes and regulates endocrine system
Pineal gland makes you
sleepy by the release of melatonin & want sex during specific season
posterior lobe of the pituitary gland releases
oxytocin and ant-diuretic hormone
mesencephalon becomes the
midbrain and cerebral aqueduct
metencephalon becomes the
pons and cerebellum & upper part of the 4th ventricle
cerebellum governs
balance and modulation of motor commands from the cerebral cortex
medulla oblongata most directly arises ffrom
function of the meninges
protection and support
outermost layer
arachnoid matter
spider web middle layer
pia matter
innermost layer that adheres the the brain and spinal cord
which of the layers will dip down into sulci?
Pia + arachnoid
another name for dura matter
dura matter is made up of what kind of CT
dura matter consists of how many layer of CT?
what are the 2 layers of dura
outer - periosteal
inner - meningeal
separation between what form the sinuses
periosteal and meningeal layers
epidural AKA
extradural is located
#epi outside of dura matter
deep to dural matter is
subdural space
how many septa are formed that create compartments within the skull
epidural hematoma (MOST DANGEROUS) associated with what artery
the middle meningeal artery and branches.
Located in temporoparietal.
what injection would be used on a pt. that has radiculopathy, spinal stenosis, or degenerative disc disease
epidural corticosteroid injection
which injection would be given to a woman giving birth
epidural anesthetic injection
what are the side effects of the epidural corticosteroid injections
weaken localized tissue > become more frail
which CN is most effected what a pt. has a epidural hemorrhage
when CN III is injured in an apidural hemorrhage it will clinically represent as
decreases pupil size, lens will be more spherical shape, accommodation
what are/is the attachment of the falx cerebri anteriorly
crista galli of the ethmoid bone
what are/is the attachment of the falx cerebru postiorly
what is the largest dural fold
falx cerebri
tentorium cerebelli attaches to
the anterior and posterior clinoid processes of sphenoid bone
petrous ridge
occipital bb.
the free anterior border of the tentorium cerebelli form what?
tentorial notch
what is clinically significant to the tentorial notch?
the midbrain is here and it is susceptible to trauma
“notch is sharp”
horizontal partition creates what 2 compartments?
supratentorial & infratentorial
what is above the partition?
what is below the partition?
the pons, medulla & cerebellum
what forms the roof of the posterior cranial fossa
horizontal partition
The pons is below the tentorium cerebelli
falx cerebelli divides what? and contains the ______ sinus
cerebellum > R & L hemispheres
contains the occipital sinus
diaphragma sellae covers
the hypophyseal fossa & pituitary gland
diaphragma sellae forms the roof of the
sellae turcica
what is the rationale of the ortho meningitis test
pull on the dura and it will affect all areas
trigeminal nerve innervates which region of the dura
supratentorial dure
the vagus nerve (predominately), C2, and C3 innervate which portion of the dura?
what is the thecal sac and what forms it?
the dura matter forms the theca sac and surround the spinal cord
Thecal sac extends from
foramen magnum –> S2
posterior meningeal artery is a branch of which artery?
vertebral artery
the anterior meningeal artery is a branch of the
middle meningeal artery (MMA) is the _____ blood supply to the
primary blood supply to the dura
MMA is a branch of the
MMA enters the skull through the
foramen spinosum
Which of the arteries is located extrdural
epidural hematoma damages which artery?
how would an MOI present in the clinical when a Pt. might have epidural hematome
blow to the side of the head
what would be the complaints of a pt. with a epidural hematoma?
headache, confusion, irritability, drowsiness, loss of consciousness within an hour of incident
where is the pterion of the skull located?
side of the skull
epidural hematoma can also cause transtentorial herniation of
the uncus
the uncus herniation through the tentorial notch causes compression of the
midbrain, CNs III & IV
oculomotor & trochlear
subdural hematoma takes longer to show symptoms because of?
the low pressure that the venous blood is under.
where does the subdural hematoma occur?
under dura and on top of arachnoid
which one is MOST traumatic:
epidural OR subdural?
where are bridging veins located
between the dura and arachnoid
serous fluid is located where?
in the subdural space
Arachnoid matter has blood supply?
the projections into the dural sinuses are called ______ _______ and they allow the passage of what?
arachnoid granulations
CSF to go from Subarachnoid –> cerebral venous system
Arachnoid matter lines the Sulci?
subarachnoid space is between the
pia and arachnoid
CSF is located in the
subarachnoid space
subarachnoid space does contain Blood vessels?
Pia matter is the
innermost layer of the brain and spinal cord
Pia mater lines the sulci?
Pia mater is binded to the brain by
does pia mater have blood supply?
spinal block is also known as
spinal anesthesia
which one acts faster, an epidural or spinal anesthesia?
spinal anesthesia
spinal anesthesia is injected into the
subarachnoid space @ L3-4 or L4-L5
Lumbar puncture is also known as
spinal tap
Spinal tap is used to
test for infectious agents or to measure pressure or Blood
why would some that get a spinal tap done to test blood?
for hemorrhage
Myelography is a
radiagraph and the pt. is injected with radiopaque dye to see spinal cord
“imaging of subarachnoid space”
when would a Pt. need a myelography?
suspected torn spinal cord
Denticulate ligement ois
CT that anchors the spinal cord laterally to the dura mater.
Terminal internum is composed of
Pia mater
filum externum is composed of
all 3 meningeal layers
Meningitis is ussually caused by
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Herpes simplex
BActerial meningites is
more severe than viral
Bradzinski’s test
flexion of the neck causes flexion of the hips & knees
Kernigs test
hip & knee are flexed to 90 deg. by Dr. and if pn. is ellicited in the neck of back is it positive
Name the 3 types of TBI
concussion is characterized by
immediate but usually transient loss of neural function.
blurry vision, loss of consciousness) and dementia
primary brain vesicles develop by what week
4th week