Neuro Lab 1 Flashcards
Lab 1
frontal lobe controls
speech and skeletal muscle. Contains working memory for spatial tasks, executive area for task management, able to solve complex multitask problems, and processes emotions related to personal and social interactions
the parietal lobe is responsible for
tracks visual motion and positioning of objects in space.
receives most of body wide sensory except for taste, hearing and vision
temporal lobe is responsible for
receiving smell and hearing information, involved in abstract thought
which portion of the brain is involved in visual recognition of objects?
temporal lobe
which lobe of the brain is used to process written and spoken speech?
the broadmann area associated with wernickes is?
39 & 40
the job of the occipital lobe?
recieves basic visual input
insule lobe is responsible for detecting
left hemisphere functions?
brocas area for speech, handwriting and wernickes area.
used for math, logic and analysis.
right hemisphere is associated with
analysis of objects by touch, spatial visualization and analysis.
which hemisphere is mainly associated with understanding emotional context
right hemisohere
cuneas gyrus fxn?
recieves info from lower visual field
lingual gyrsu fnx?
receives info from upper visual field
precentral gyrus is responsible for
motor control
post central gyrus fnx?
physical sensation
brocas area fnx?
regulates patterns of breathing and vocalization needed to for normal speech
LAteral corticospinal tract
a descending motor pathway that controls the muscles of the arms and legs.
fasciculus gracilis
sensory from T6 down (basically the lower half of the body) for touch and proprioception. It transmits this information up to the thalamus and then later parietal lobe.
Fasciculus cuneatus=
sensory from the neck down to T6 (basically the upper half of the body except for the head) for touch and proprioception. It transmits this information up to the thalamus and then later parietal lobe.
Lateral spinothalamic tract =
it transmits pain and temperature information from the body from the neck down. It transmits this information up to the thalamus and then later parietal lobe.
funx of glossopharyngeal CN
sense of taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue.
sensory to nasopharynx, oropharynx, and to the adenoid, palatine tonsils, auditory tube and middle ear
parasympathetic fnx of glossopharyngeal CN IX
to the parotid gland
Vagus sensory to the
laryngopharynx and larynx
vagus motor
to muscles of the soft palate, pharynx and larynx
vagus parasympathetic fnx
to chest organs and to GI tract associated organs from esophagus to mid transverse colon
spinal accessory nerve function
motor to the SCM and trapezius
hypoglossal nerve FNX
motor to muscles of the tongue
Inferior salivatory nucleus=
neurons from here supply the Parotid salivary gland to help breakdown food in your mouth.
Dorsal motor nucleus of Vagus=
neurons from here decrease heart rate (chronotropic events) and heart force (inotropic events).
Tractus solitarius=
neurons from CNs 7, 9, and 10 related to taste synapse here. Also neurons associated with pressure in the aortic arch (10) and carotid (9) synapse here. If blood pressure is too high the tractus solitarius will attempt to lower it via the dorsal motor nucleus of Vagus and nucleus ambiguous.
Nucleus ambiguous=
neurons leaving here decrease heart rate and force.
a motor nucleus
Hypoglossal nucleus=
the beginning of CN 12.
Accessory nucleus= the beginning of CN
bottom tip of the fourth ventricle where the central canal forms
Dorsal intermediate sulcus=
dorsal slightly lateral indentation of the spinal cord.
where it sits between the gracilis and cuneatus fasciculus
Dorsal median sulcus=
dorsal midline indentation of the spinal cord.
it has involvement in cerebellar learning via the olivocerebellar pathway and in the auditory pathway.
they contain descending axons in the motor pathway.
Decussation of the pyramids= t.
90% of the descending corticospinal fibers decussate at the medulla oblongata to give rise to the lateral corticospinal trac
Ventral median fissure=.
indentation on the ventral surface of the spinal cord
two muscles that rotate vertebral column to the contralateral side?
semispinalis and multifidus & levator scap
levator costurom innervation
DPR of C8-T11