Neuro 10: Brain hemisphere circulation Flashcards
Cerebral hemisphere anterior circulation comes from
Internal carotid
Cerebral hemisphere posterior circulation comes from
Vertebral arteries
Terminal branches of internal carotids
anterior cerebral arteries (ACAs)
middle cerebral arteries (MCAs)
Putamen circulation source
Caudate nucleus circulation source
Thalmus circulation source
Superior left MCA infarct signs
Upper motor neuron right face and arm weakness
Broca’s aphasia (has trouble getting words out)
Inferior Left MCA infarct
Wernicke’s aphasia (forms sentences that makes no sense). Right visual field defect. Usually no motor findings
Deep Left MCA infarct
Right upper motor neuron hemiparesis
Left MCA Stem infarct
Right hemiplegia, right hemiamnesthesia, aphasia,
left gaze preference
Right superior MCA infarct
Left face/arm weakness, left hemineglect
Inferior Right MCA infarct
Profound left hemineglect.
Left visual field and somatosensory deficits
Deep right MCA infarct
Left motor hemiparesis
Right MCA stem infarct
Left hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, left hemineglect.
Right gaze preference.
Left ACA infarct
Right leg UMN weakness. Right leg cortical sensory loss.
Grasp reflex maybe
Right ACA infarct
Left leg UMN weakness. Left leg cortical sensory loss.
Grasp reflex maybe
Left PCA infarct
Right homonymous hemianopia
Right PCA infarct
Left homonumous hemianopia
Gaze preference side
“looks towards lesion”
ACA infarcts affect…
Contralateral leg more than arm or face
Watershed infarct
Area between two arteries is most affected
Man in barrel syndrome
Proximal arm and leg weakness as a result of watershed infarct of ACA and MCA
Carotid stenosis causes _________
Watershed infarct of ACA-MCA
TIA duration
Typically 10 min
Hemmorhagic conversion
Ischemic stroke ruptures to become brain bleed
Thrombotic vs embolic infarct
Thrombosis: forms clot on blood vessel
Embolic: travels from elsewhere
Lacunar infarct
Small vessel infarct resembling lake
hypertension related changes in arterial walls
Pure motor hemiparersis
Ataxic hemiparesis
UMN hemiparesis with additional ataxia
Large MCA infarct common complication
Edema and mass swelling.
Carotid dissection signs
Patient may hear heartbeat and have ipsilateral Horner’s
Vertebral artery dissection symptoms
Posterior neck and occipital pain
Superficial veins drain into
superior sagital sinus
Deep veins drain into
Vein of galen
All venous drainage from brain goes to
Internal jugulars
Sagittal sinus thrombosis S/s
Seizures, increased ICP, decreased LOC, headaches and papilledema
Common subarachnoid hemmorhage locations
Origin or ACA, PCA or bifurcation of MCA
Homonymous hemianopia
Vision field deficits in same half of visual field on both eyes
Loss of sensitivity to stimuli on one side
One sided paralysis
Cortical sensory loss
Loss of discriminative sensation
Alexia without agraphia
Patient can write but cant read
Medial geniculate lesion symptom
hearing loss
Corpus callosum lesion symptom
alexia without agraphia
Visual cortex lesion symptom
Homonymous hemianopia with macula sparing
Thalmic infarct symptoms
Contralateral homonymous hemianopia
Complete contralateral sensory loss