nervous system pt 2 Flashcards
brain and spinal cord make up 2 types of tissue
- grey matter
- white matter
white and grey matter
grey matter consists of unmyelinated neurons, neuron cell bodies, and glial cells
white matter is made up of myelinated neurons and glial cells
the myelin has a high fat content, which results in white matters white colour
protection of the brain
ventricular system
blood brain barrier
Bony tough outer shell to protect the soft tissue of the brain
protection from physical damage
protective membrane layers around the brain and spinal cord
- Dura Mater
2.Arachnoid mater - Pia mater
can become inflamed - known as meningitis
Epidural Space
a useful administration point for delivery of local anaesthetics or analgesics
Epidural space - space filled with fat and many blood vessels
Dura mater - first of the meninges membranes. Made from tough fibrous tissue
Subdural Space - a virtue space that can become enlarged with any trauma or haemorrhage.
Arachnoid Mater - second of the meninges membranes. Very delicate layer that is avascular.
Subarachnoid Space - this space is filled with cerebral spinal fluid
Pia Mater - the third meninges layer. It is a highly vascular layer covering the brain and spinal cord.
Ventricular System
A series of interconnecting canals and cavities/ventricles found inside the brain and spinal cord
These ventricles are filled with cerebro - spinal fluid
the network of capillaries known as the choroid plexus produces CSF
Cerebrospinal fluid
surrounds the brain and spinal cord
protects and supplies nutrients
CSF protects the CNS from damage of sudden movements
what can occur when CSF is unable to leave the cranium
King Charles cavalliers are prone to this condition, which is caused from a partial blockage in the flow of CSF from the brain.
Blood Brain Barrier
Modification of Neuroglial tissue that connects and supports all the neurons
creating an almsot impermeable layer to protect the brain from harmful substances
Blocks toxins e.g. urea and certain drugs, but allows oxygen, sodium and potassium ions and glucose to pass through rapidly.
The Brain
the brain controls and coordinates all the activities of the normal body
- Forebrain
The brain major parts are the cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon and brain stem
Forebrain: THE Diencephalon
Passageway between brainstem and cerebrum
contains the-
Thalamus - processes information from the sense organs and relays the information to the cerebral cortex
Hypothalamus - Link between nervous and endocrine system - creates hormones stored in the pituitary gland
epithalamus - contains the pineal gland secretes melatonin
Spinal Cord
The tissue is arranged in a long cylinder
The grey matter forms the inner layer, and the white matter forms the outer layer