Mating, embryology and exotic reproduction Flashcards
intromission - process of inserting the penis into the vagina in sexual intercourse
spontaneous ovulation - is triggered during estrus period whether the female is in the prescence of males or not
which part of the dogs penises in engorges during copulation
bulbus glandis
Os penis
what is the name of the bone found in the penises of many mammals
what tests can be done to ensure that the bitch is made it at the optimal stage
Canine mating considerations
Mating often in an artificial environment and there is increased ‘pressure’ on these animals to mate
usually, the dog has to travel a long way and then expected to mate after brief introduction
by passes pro - oestrus so minimal courtship behaviour
post mating care
bitch should be checked for bleeding
small amount of bloody fluid is normal, however if this persists or is excessive this should be assessed by a vet
The dogs penis should retract within the prepuse after mating, sometimes the breeder may try to retract this themselves
seminal fractions
canines produced 3 seminal fractions during intromission
1st fraction - small volume of clear fluid prior to intromission. prostatic fluid only - doesn’t contain sperm
2nd fraction - contains most of the sperm
3rd fraction - ‘flushes’ sperm through cervix. Clear fluid mainly prostatic
Feline mating considerations
Human interference a definite no - observe from a distance only
repeated mating - several times a day over several days may be necessary to cause surge in LH
unsuccessfully mated females will return to oestrus within 2 weeks if ovulation hasn’t occurred
queen should be examined for trauma / infection over scruff from mating
Deoxyribonucleic acid is found in the nucleus of all cells
they’re wrapped into structures called histone proteins
there are 39 pairs of chromosomes in the dog
and 19 pairs in the cat
somatic cells have the full number of chromosomes
germs (sperm, ova) cells have half the number of chromosomes
cell division of gametes occurs by meiotic division
gametes contain haploids no of chromosomes (half) this is so genetic material can be combined from both parents
only one sperm can enter per ova. the zona pellucida and corona radiata prevent more sperm entering
the combination of the ova and sperm is now called the zygote
cell division now occurs by mitosis - diploid (full) no of chromsomes
Ova, contain mothers genetic info and are covered by 2 protective layers - zona pellucida and the corona radiata
change occurs in the sperm - capacitation, involving the activation of an enzyme system which allows sperm to penetrate the through the outer layers - causing fertilisation
at the 16 cell stage, the outer most cells of the morula flatten agasint the zona pellucida
a cavity appears within the core of the cluster, transforming it into a hollow sphere - the blastocyst or blastula
the thickest part - is the embryonic mass
the thinner part - trophoblast
germ layers
within the inner cell mass/ embryoblast is broken down into three layers, the formation of these cells is called gastrulation
ectoderm - forms intergument and nervous sytem
mesoderm - forms muscoskeletal system and organs
endoderm - forms inner lining of the digestive tract and visceral organs