Nervous System Flashcards
When does the process of neurolation occur?
~day 22
What is neuralation?
formation of neural plate and neural tube
What induces the formation of the neural plate?
notochord and paraxial mesoderm
Where does neural tube closure begin near?
somite pair 4
When does the cranial neuropore close?
day 25
When does the caudal neuropore close? And what does this establish?
day 27, establishment of neural tube vasculature
What will the neural canal form?
- ventricles of the brain
- central canal of SC
Where does the development of the spinal cord occur?
caudal to somite 4
What initially lines the neural tube?
pseudostratified columnar neuroepithelium
What does the ventricular zone refer to?
refers to the original neuroepithelium
What does the ventricular zone give rise to?
gives rise to spinal cord neurons, spinal cord astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and ependymal cells
How does the intermediate zone form?
forms by proliferation in the original ventricular zone
What does the intermediate zone form?
- differentiate into spinal cord neurons
Where does the marginal zone form? what does it become?
- peripheral to the original ventricular zone
- becomes white matter as neuronal processes grow into it from spinal cord and brain
Where do glioblasts reside?
populate ventricular, intermediate, and marginal zones
What do glioblasts become?
- astroblasts => astrocytes
- oligodendroblasts => oligodendrocytes
What do ependymal cells persist as? what zone where they associated with?
- ependyma lining the central canal
- ventricular zone
What are microglial cells differentiated from?
Where do microglial cels originate from?
bone marrow
What happens to the spinal cord as the neuroepithelial cells proliferate and differentiate?
spinal cord walls become think and roof and floor become thin
What is the sulcus limitans?
shallow longitudinal groove on either side of central canal lumen
What is the alar plate?
dorsal longitudinal bulge in the intermediate zone
What will the alar plate become?
dorsal columns in the grey matter
What are located in the dorsal columns of thee grey matter?
afferent neurons
When does the dorsal median septum form?
as alar plate enlarge bilaterally
What is the basal plate?
ventral longitudinal bulge in the intermediate zone
What will the basal plate become?
the ventral and lateral columns in the gray matter
What is located within the lateral columns in the gray matter?
efferent neurons
When does the ventral median fissure form?
as basal plates enlarge bilaterally
Where are pseudounipolar neurons derived from?
neural crest cells
What passes through the DRG to enter the spinal cord?
central processes
Primordial meninx is a membrane that develops from what?
mesenchyme surrounding the neural tube
What is dura mater?
thickened external layer (mesenchyme origin) or primordial meninx
What are leptomeninges?
Internal layer (neural crest origin) of the primordial meninx
What is subarachnoid space?
- separates leptomeninges into arachnoid and pia mater
- production begins week 5
What is the position of the SC in embryo?
SC extends entire length of vertebral canal
- spinal nn. exit intervertebral foramina opposite their level of origin
What is the position of the SC in a 6mo fetus?
SC conus medullaris extends to S1 vertebra
What is the position of the SC in a newborn infant?
SC conus medullaris extends L2 or L3 vertebra
What is the position of the SC in an adult?
- SC conus medullaris extends to inferior border of L1
- cauda equina
- dura and arachnoid end at S2 (filum terminale externum)
- pia extends as filum terminale internum to Cx1
CNS myelin is produced by what?
Myelination of neuronal processes occurs when?
in late fetal period and continues through year 1 postnatally
Which are myelinated first, motor or sensory fibers?
What does a spinal dermal sinus indicate?
Indicated site of closure of caudal neuropore
- last site of separation of surface ectoderm from neuroectoderm
What is spinal dermal sinus?
posterior median skin dimple in sacral region
What causes spina bifida occulta?
due to failure of embryonic halves of vertebral arch to grow and fuse in midlinw
Where does spina bifida occulta occur?
L5-S1 in ~10% of people
Does spina bifida occulta usually show clinical symptoms?
What evidence if any does spina bifida occulta show?
small dimple with a tuft of hair
What does spina bifida cystica involve?
protrusion of spinal cord and/or meninges through vertebral arch defect
What is present with spina bifida cystica?
a cyst-like sac
What is the occurrence/frequency of sspina bifida cystica?
What neurological deficits accompany spina bifida cystica?
- dermatomal sensory loss
- complete or partial skeletal muscle paralysis
- lumbosacral defects => sphincter paralysis