Nervous System 1 Flashcards
brain + spinal cord
neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons
grey matter
myelinated nerve axons/fibers
white matter
precentral syrus, located just anterior to the large central sulcus (voluntary motor info)
primary motor cortex
post central syrus, located just posterior to the central sulcus (consists of sensory info)
primary sensory cortex
white matter contains tract of myelinated axons where the info is ascending or descending
grey matter consists of nerve cell bodies which are also localized sensory and motor cluster
spinal cord
enter the spinal cord via dorsal nerve roots
sensory/affarent fibers
exit the spinal cord via ventral nerve roots, can go to different effector organs
motor/efferent fibers
carry info that is consciously percieved
sensory neurons of somatic portion of PNS
carry info that leads to voluntary muscle contraction
motor neurons of somatic portion of PNS
single neuron connections from CNS to peripheral effects
somatic portion of PNS
receive unconscious “proprioceptive” info
sensory neurons of autonomic portion of PNS
carry info that leads to contraction of voluntary smooth/cardiac muscle as well as glands
motor neurons of autonomic portion of PNS
originate in thoracic/lumbar
sympathetic neurons
originate in sacral/cervical
parasympathetic neurons
excitable cells that carry out info transfer
non-excitable cells that enhance efficiency of transmission
neuroglial cells
include cells of blood vessels (endothelium/fibroblasts) and microglia (immune cells of the CNS)
support cells
transport from soma to the axon terminal
axon terminal back to cell body