Nerves Flashcards
C3 and c4
Levator Scapula
Anterior Scalene
Middle Scalene
C3-C5, phrenic nerve
Axillary nerve spinal cord segment
C5, C6
Musculocutaneous nerve spinal cord
Radial nerve spinal cord segment
C5-8, T1
Medial nerve spinal cord segment
C6-8, T1
Ulnar nerve spinal cord segment
C8, T1
Femoral nerve spinal cord segment
Obturator nerve spinal cord segment
Sciatic nerve spinal cord segment
L4-5, S1-3
Tibial nerve spinal cord segment
L4-5, S1-3
Common fibular (peroneal) nerve spinal cord segment
L4-5, S1-2
elbow flexors
C5, C6
shoulder abductors and elbow flexors
wrist extensors
Intrinsic muscles of hand
Hip flexors and knee extensors
Hip adductors
Hip abductors
Hip extensors and knee flexors
ankle muscles
bladder and bowel control
Both upper extremities, chest level with axillar
Muscle innervation: Deltoid, teres minor; shoulder abductors and ER
Axillary nerve
Sensory distribution: Lateral arm over lower portion of deltoid
Axillary nerve
Clinical motor: Loss of shoulder abduction; weakened shoulder lateral rotation
Axillary Nerve
Muscle innervation: elbow flexors; coracobrachialis, biceps, and brachialis
Musculocutaneous nerve
Sensory Distribution: anterior lateral surface of forearm
Musculocutaneous nerve
Clinical motor: loss of elbow flexion; weakened supination
Musculocutaneous nerve
Muscle innervation: Triceps; anconeus; brachioradialis; supinator; wrist, finger, and thumb extensors and abductors
radial nerve
Sensory Distribution: posterior arm, posterior forearm, and radial side of posterior hand
Radial nerve
Clinical motor: Loss of elbow, wrist, finger, and thumb extension; wrist drop
Radial nerve
Muscle innervation: prontators; wrist and finger flexors on radial side; most thumb muscles; 1st and 2nd lumbricals
Medial nerve
Sensory Distribution: palmar aspect of thumb; second, third, fourth (radial half) fingers
medial nerve
Clinical motor: Loss of forearm pronation; loss of thumb opposition, flexion, adduction (ape hand); weakened wrist flexors (radial side), weakened wrist radial deviation; weakened second and third finger flexion (pope’s blessing)
medial nerve
Muscle innervation: wrist and finger flexors on ulnar sidel most hand intrinsic; flexor carpi ulnaris; flexor digitorum profundus (medial side); interossei; 3rd and 4th lumbricals; muscles of 5th finger
ulnar nerve
Sensory distribution: 4th finger of medial portion, 5th finger
ulnar nerve
Clinical motor: loss of ulnar deviation; weakened wrist and finger flexion; loss of thumb adduction; lost of most intrinsic “claw hand”
ulnar nerve
Muscle innervation: hip flexors and knee extensors; iliopsoas (iliacus and psoas); sartorius; pectineus, quadriceps, femoris
femoral nerve
Sensory distribution: anterior and medial thigh, medial leg and foot
femoral nerve
Clinical motor: weakened hip flexion, loss of knee extension
femoral nerve
muscle innervation: hip adductors and some hip ER; obturator externus
obturator nerve
sensory distribution: middle part of medial thigh
obturator nerve
clinical motor: loss of hip adduction, weakened hip lateral rotation
obturator nerve
Muscle innervation: knee flexion and some hip extension; hamstring muscles; adductor magnus
sciatic nerve
sensory distribution: none
sciatic nerve
clinical motor: weakened hip extension; loss of knee flexion
sciatic nerve
Muscle innervation: popliteus; ankle plantar flexors (gastrocnemius and soleus); foot intrinsic (tibialis posterior); flexor digitorum longus; flexor hallucis longus foot intrinsics (medial and lateral plantar)
tibial nerve
Sensory distribution: posterior lateral leg, lateral foot
tibial nerve
Clinical motor: loss of ankle plantar flexion; weakened ankle inversion; loss of toe flexion
tibial nerve
muscle innervation: ankle dorsiflexors; ankle evertors; toe extensors (deep fibular); fibularis longus and brevis (superficial fibular); tibialis anterior (deep fibular)
common fibular nerve
sensory distribution: anterior lateral aspect of leg and foot
common fibular nerve
Clinical motor: loss of dorsiflexion “foot drop”; loss of toe extension, loss of ankle eversion
common fibular nerve
divides into superficial and deep fibular nerves
common fibular nerve
made up tibial and common fibular nerve
sciatic nerve
divides into medial and lateral plantar nerves
tibial nerve