Ch 9- shoulder girdle Flashcards
allows hand to be placed in various positions to accomplish the multitude of tasks the hand is capable of performing
purpose of shoulder and upper extremity
most mobile joint in the body and capable of great deal of motion
shoulder (glenohumeral) joint
humerus and scapula
shoulder (glenohumeral) joint
consists of scapula, clavicle, sternum, humerus, ribcage, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, glenohumeral joint, and “scapulothoracic articulation”
shoulder complex
scapula, clavicle, and sternum (sometimes ribcage)
shoulder girdle
5 muscles attach; shoulder movements consist of: elevation and depression, protraction and retraction, upward and downward rotation
shoulder girdle
consists of scapula and humerus
shoulder “glenohumeral” joint
9 muscles attach; motions: flexion, extension, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, medial and lateral rotation, horizontal adduction and abduction
shoulder “glenohumeral” joint
not a true joint; no direct connection but connected indirectly by clavicle and several muscles; scapula gliding across (over) ribcage (thorax); provides increased motion to shoulder complex
scapulothoracic articulation
a triangular- shaped bone located superficially on posterior side of thorax
attaches to trunk indirectly through ligamentous attachment to clavicle
slightly concave anteriorly and glides over convex posterior rib cage
resting position is located between 2nd and 7th ribs
about 30 degrees anterior to frontal plane against the posterior thorax
plane of scapula
superior medial aspect, providing attachment for levator scapula muscle
superior angle
most inferior point & where vertebral and axillary borders meet; determines scapular rotation
inferior angle
between superior and inferior angles medially & attachment of the rhomboid and serratus anterior muscle
vertebral (medial) border
lateral side between glenoid fossa and inferior angle
axillary (lateral) border
projection on posterior surface running from medial border laterally to acromion process; provides attachment for middle and lower trapezius muscles; level with spinous process of 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae
projection on anterior surface, providing attachment for pectoralis minor muscle
coracoid process
broad, flat area on superior lateral aspect; providing attachment for pectoralis minor muscle
acromion process
slightly concave surface that articulates with humerus on superior lateral side above the axillary (lateral) border and below the acromion process; positioned in an anterior, lateral, and upward direction
glenoid fossa
when you break the clavicle, you lose??
s-shaped bone that connects the upper extremity to the axial skeleton at sternoclavicular joint
attaches medially to sternum
sternal end
area between the two ends of clavicle
attaches laterally to scapula and provides attachment for upper trapezius muscles
acromial end
flat bone located in midline of anterior thorax; superior end provides attachment for clavicle followed beneath by attachments for costal cartilage of ribs
superior end providing attachment for clavicle and first rib
middle 2/3rd of sternum, provides attachment for remaining rib
“sword shaped”; inferior tip
xiphoid process
formed by articulation between manubrium of sternum and medial (sternal) end of clavicle
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
synovial joint providing shoulder girdle with its only direct attachment to trunk
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
“modified” ball and socket joint; in congruent saddle joint; plane-shaped double gliding joint
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
“triaxial joint”- allows movements in three planes
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
dislocation is rare in this joint
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
joint capsule with 3 major ligaments and joint discs
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
in this joint, the clavicle moves and sternum is stationary
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
motions: elevation and depression in frontal plane, protraction and retraction in transverse plane, rotation along the longitudinal axis
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
shock absorber; important when falling on outstretched hand
articular disk of sternoclavicular (SC) joint
attached to posterior superior part of clavicle
upper part of articular disk of sternoclavicular (SC) joint
attached to manubrium and 1st costal cartilage
upper part of articular disk of sternoclavicular (SC) joint
protraction and retraction occurs between ______ in the articular disk of sternoclavicular (SC) joint
disc and sternum
elevation and depression motion occurs between _______ in the articular disc of sternoclavicular (SC) joint
clavicle and disc
sternoclavicular, costoclavicular, interclavicular ligaments are components of
sternoclavicular (SC) joint
located on top of manubrium, connecting superior sternal ends of clavicles; limit amount of clavicular depression
interclavicular ligament
short, flat, rhomboid- shaped ligament that connects the clavicle’s inferior surface to superior surface of costal cartilage of 1st rib; limits amt of clavicular elevation
costoclavicular ligament
connects the clavicle to sternum on both the anterior and posterior surface; divides into anterior and posterior ligraments; reinforce joint capsule
sternoclavicular ligament
posterior sternoclavicular ligament limits ???
anterior motion
anterior sternoclavicular ligament limits ???
posterior motion
connects acromion process of scapula and lateral (acromion) end of clavicle; plane-shaped synovial joint that allows gliding motion to occur, contributing toward movement in three planes of motion
acromioclavicular (ac) joint
allows subtle movements of scapula- minimal but allows continuity between scapula and thorax during scapular motions
acromioclavicular (AC) joint
Scapular motions: upward and downward rotation occuring in plane of scapula; scapular tilt in sagittal plane; scapular winging in transverse plane
acromioclavicular (AC) joint
ligament joint capsule surrounds articular borders of joint
acromioclavicular (AC) joint
joint capsule reinforced above and below by superior and inferior _____
Acromioclavicular ligament
supports the joint by holding the acromion process to the clavicle- helps to prevent dislocation of clavicle; capsular weakness leaves AC Joint susceptible to injury esp with fall on outstretched hand or blow to shoulder
acromioclavicular ligament
accessory ligament; not directly located at joint but provides stability to joint and allows scapula to be suspended from clavicle
coracoclavicular ligament
connects scapula to clavicle by attaching to inferior surface by attaching to inferior surface of clavicle’s lateral end and superior surface of scapula’s coracoid process
coracoclavicular ligament
divides into lateral trapezoid portion and deeper medial corcoid portion
coracoclavicular ligament
prevents backward motion of scapula together; limits rotation of scapula
coracoclavicular ligament
accessory ligament and doesn’t cross AC Joint
coracoacromial ligament
forms a roof over the head of humerus and serves as a protective arch; provides support to head when an upward force is transmitted along humerus
coracoacromial ligament
attaches laterally on superior surface of coracoid process and runs up and out the inferior surface of acromion process
coracoacromial ligament
stability comes from an indirect link to trunk through clavicle and several surrounding muscles; provides motion necessary for normal function of scapula
scapulothoracic articulation
elevation and depression, protraction and retraction, upward and downward rotation motions
motions of shoudler girdle
when scapula moves in superior direction
scapular elevation
when scapula moves inferior direction
scapular depression
adduction; scapula moves back toward posterior midline
scapular retraction
returns to resting anatomical position from upwardly rotated postition
scapular downward rotation
abduction; scapula moves away from posterior midline
scapular protraction
inferior angle of the scapular rotates up and away from vertebral column
scapular upward rotation
when shoulder joint gives into hyperextension; superior end of scapula tilts anteriorly and inferior end tilts posteriorly
scapular tilt
elevation & depression and protraction/retraction are what types of motion?
posterior lateral movement of vertebral border of scapula in transverse plane; vertebral border of scapula moves away from rib cage
scapular winging
occurs in AC joint but observed in scapulothoracic articulation
scapular winging
occurs when stabilizing muscles around the scapula are weak or paralyzed
scapular winging
if the shoulder joint flexes, the shoulder girdle
upward rotation, protraction
if shoulder joint extends, the shoulder girdle
downward rotation, retraction
if shoulder joint hyperextends, the shoulder girdle
scapular tilts
if the shoulder joint adbucts, the shoulder girdle
upward rotation
if shoulder joint adducts, the shoulder girdle
downward rotation
if the shoulder joint medial rotates, the shoulder girdle
if shoulder joint laterally rotates, the shoulder girdle
if the shoulder joint horizontally abducts, the shoulder girdle
if the the shoulder joint horizontally adducts, the shoulder girdle
impairment at one joint will also impair
function at the other
movement relationship between the shoulder girdle and joint; 2:1 ration
scapulohumeral rhythm
the first 30 degrees of shoulder joint is pure shoulder joint motion; after for every 2 degrees of shoulder flex or abd that occurs, the scapula must upwardly rotate 1 degree
scapulohumeral rhythm
size, angle of pull, joint motion possible, location of muscle in relation to joint axis determine
role of a muscle
Greater vertical line of pull is effective in pulling scapula???
up and down (elevating/depressing)
greater horizontal line of pull effective in pulling scapula??
in and out (protraction/retraction)
equal vertical and horizontal line of pull ???
role in both motions
muscles of shoulder girdle are:
trapezius, levator scapula, rhomboids, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor
muscles pulling in different directions to accomplish the same motion
force couple
upper trap pulls up, lower trap pulls down, lower serratus anterior pulls out in horizontal directions
upward rotation of scapula- force couple
downward rotation is accompanied by ____ in shoulder joint in force couple
pec minor down, rhomboid pulls in, levator scapular pulls up
downward rotation of scapula- force couple
chopping wood, paddling a canoe, pulling down on an overhead machine
downward rotation of scapula
origin moves towards insertion
reverse muscle action
most frequently broken bone in children; usually breaks in midportion common from a fall on outstretched hand or lateral aspect of shoulder
clavicular fractures
ac ligament is stretched
1st degree sprain: acromioclavicular separation
ac ligament is ruptured; coracoclavicular ligament stretched
2nd degree sprain: acromioclavicular separation
both ac ligament and coracoclavicular ligament ruptured
3rd degree sprain: acromioclavicular separation
when shoulder girdle is stabilized, the lower trap and pec minor can reverse their action and _____
assist in elevating the trunk
bilateral contraction of the upper trap can _____
assist in extending the head and neck
when upper trapezius is contracting unilaterally, it can _____
laterally bend the head and neck to same side (ipsilateral) and rotate it to the opposite side (contralateral)
when scapula is stabilized when using crutches, it prevents the lower trap and pec minor from ____
depressing the scapula when they contract; origins move the body upward toward scapula
when scapula is stabilized, the levator scapula ____
moves the neck
help assist the splenius cervicis, a neck muscle, in rotating and laterally blending the neck ipsilaterally
levator scapula