ch 10- shoulder joint bony landmarks and muscles Flashcards
what motion is occuring?
shoulder flexion: 0 to 180 degrees; sagittal plane around frontal axis
what motion is occuring?
shoulder hyperextension: 45 degrees from anatomical position; sagittal plane around frontal axis
what motion is occuring?
shoulder abduction: frontal plane around sagittal axis with 180 degrees of motion
what motion is occuring?
shoulder adduction: frontal plane around sagittal axis with 180 degrees of motion
what motion is occuring?
circumduction: combination of all shoulder motions
what motions are occuring?
medial and lateral rotation: transverse plane around vertical axis
what motion is occuring?
shoulder horizontal abduction: transverse plane around vertical axis
what motion is occuring?
shoulder horizontal adduction: occurs in transverse plane around vertical axis
what motion is occuring?
scaption: occurs in scapular plane approximately 30 degrees forward of frontal plane
what bony landmark is highlighted?
gelnoid fossa: shallow, egg-shaped socket on the superior end, lateral side: articulates with the humerus
what deepens this bony landmark?
glenoid labrum: fibrocartilaginous ring attached to the rim of glenoid fossa, which deepens the articular cavity
what bony landmark is colored?
supraspinous fossa: above the spine, providing attachment for the supraspinatus muscle
what bony landmark is colored?
infraspinous fossa: below the spine, providing attachment for the infraspinatus muscle
what bony landmark is colored?
subscapular fossa: includes most of the area on the anterior (costal) surface, providing attachment for the subscapularis muscle
what bony landmark is highlighted?
axillary border: providing attachment for teres major and minor muscles
what bony landmark is highlighted?
acromion process: broat, flat area on the superior lateral aspect, providing attachment for the middle deltoid muscle