Ch9- shoulder girdle muscles Flashcards
posterior trunk muscles:
trapezius (most superifical), levator scapula, rhomboids
upper trap, levator scapula, rhomboids
levator scapula is prime mover in
scapular elevation
O- transverse processes of first four cervical vertebrae
levator scapula
muscles of shoulder girdle consists of :
trapezius, levator scapula, rhomboids, serratus anterior, and pectoralis minor
I- coracoid process of scapula
pectoralis minor
O- lateral surface of upper eight ribs
serratus anterior
downward (vertical) line of pull; assists: retraction; PM: depression and upward rotation
lower trapezius
I- outer third of clavicle, acromion process
upper trapezius
I- base of scapular spine
lower trapezius
A- scapular elevation and downward rotation
levator scapula
N- spinal accessory (cranial nerve XI), C3 and C4 sensory component
upper trapezius
horizontal line of pull outward
serratus anterior
A- scapular depression, protraction, downward rotation, tilt
pectoralis minor
I- vertebral border of scapula between the superior angle and spine
levator scapula
anterior trunk origin:
pectoralis minor
O- spinous processes of middle and lower thoracic vertebrae
lower trapezius
lower traps, pec minor
N- long thoracic nerve (C5-7)
serratus anterior
downward (vertical) line of pull
pectoralis minor
“winging” of scapular occurs when this muscle is weakened or paralyzed
serratus anterior
the upper and lower trap is considered
assisting mover
N- dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
dowward rotation
rhomboids, levator scapula, pec minor
middle trapezius, rhomboids
horizontal line of pull; PM: retraction; assits: upward rotation
middle trapezius
A- scapular depression and upward rotation
lower trapezius
large, superficial muscle that appears diamond shaped when looking at both right and left sides; anatomically: one muscle; functionally: 3 muscles
scapular tilt
pec minor
O- occipital bone, nuchal ligament on upper cervical spinous processes
upper trapezius
lies under trapezius
the middle trap is considered
prime mover
N- medial pectoral nerve, C8, T1
pectoralis minor
I- vertebral border of scapula, anterior surface
serratus anterior
upper and lower trap are antagonist to each other in ____ and agonist in _____
elevation/depression; upward rotation
vertical line of pull (upward)
upper trapezius
N- 3rd and 4rth cervical nerves and dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
levator scapula
A- scapular retraction, elevation, and downward rotation
only shoulder girdle muscle located entirely on anterior surface
pectoralis minor
covered entirely by trapezius muscle
levator scapula
O- anterior surface, 3rd-5th ribs
pectoralis minor
A- scapular elevation and upward rotation
upper trapezius
all three parts of trapezius muscles work together (synergist) to
retract the scapula
O- spinous processes of C7-T5
levator scapula is assisting mover in
upward rotation
upper and lower traps, serratus anterior (lower fibers)
A- protraction and upward rotation
serratus anterior
N- spinal accessory (cranial nerve XI), C3 and C4 sensory component
upper trapezius
serratus anterior, pec minor
I- vertebral border of scapula between the spine and inferior angle
O- spinous process C7-T3
middle trapezius
I- scapular spine
middle trapezius
oblique line of pull
N- spinal accessory (cranial nerve XI), C3 and C4 sensory component
lower trapezius
line of pull of levator scapula
lateral trunk origin:
serratus anterior ( originated anteriorly and runs posteriorly)
helps keep the vertebral border of scapula against the rib cage
serratus anterior
A- scapular retraction
middle trapezius