Neonatal and Childhood Diseases Flashcards
What is a congenital infection?
An infection with which a baby is born with.
The mother may be infected any time during pregnancy.
What is the current screening of the mother during pregnancy?
Hep B
What is currently not screened in the mother during pregnancy but may still undergo vertical transmission?
Hep C
Group B Streptococcus
What is the (outdated) torch screen?
Other – syphiliss; HIV; hepatitis B/C
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
What are the common clinical features of congenital infections?
Mild/no apparent maternal infection
Wide range of severity in the baby
Similar clinical presentation
Low platelets, rash
Cerebral abnormalities
Serological diagnosis
Long term sequelae if untreated
What is the life cycle of toxoplasmosis?
- Unsporulated oocysts are shed in cats faeces
- Oocysts shed for 1-2 weeks
- Intermediate hosts infected
- Oocysts transform into tachyzoites and move to neural/ muslce in hosts
- Oocysts may infect human meat consumption
- Humans infected (definitive host) via undercooked food, contaminated water, blood transfusion, transplacentally
- Stay in human skeletal muscle, heart, brain and eyes
How do you diagnose toxoplasmosis?
Stained biopsy
Amniotic fluid PCR - T gondii
How does congenital toxoplasmosis present?
May be asymptomatic at birth – 60% but may still go on to suffer long term sequelae
Deafness, low IQ, microcephaly
40% symptomatic at birth
Intracranial calcifications
How does congenital rubella present?
Effect on foetus – dependent on time of infection
Mechanism – mitotic arrest of cells; angiopathy; growth inhibitor effect
Eyes: cataracts; microphthalmia; glaucoma; reintopathy
Cardiovascular syndrome; PDA; ASD/VSD
Ears; deafness
Brain: microcephaly; meningoencephalitis; developmental delay
Other: growth retardation; bone disease; hepatosplenomegaly; thrombocytopenia; rash
What does a HSV rash look like?
Red, blistering and pustulated
Other than toxoplasmosis and HSV what other congenital infections may occur?
Hepatitis B and C
Listeria monocytogenes
Group B Streptococcus
Chlamydia trachomatis
Mycoplasma species (Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum)
What happens in neonatal Chlamydia?
Infection transmitted during delivery
Mother may be asymptomatic
Causes neonatal conjunctivitis, or rarely pneumonia
Treated with erythromycin
How do you treat neonatal chlamydia?
What does Neonatal mean?
Definition varies
First 4-6 weeks of life
If born early (premature)
Neonatal period longer and is adjusted for expected birth date
Why are neonatal infections bad?
Higher incidence of infections
Can become ill rapidly and seriously
Unlike adults or older children – need to treat with antibiotics when first suspicion of infection
Why can’t neonates protect against infection?
Immature host defences
Increased risk with increased prematurity
Less maternal IgG
NICU care
Exposure to microorganisms; colonisation and infection
What are early onset infections?
Early onset – usually within 48 hours of birth
Some definitions 3-5 days
Group B streptococci
E. coli (Vaginal canal bacteria)
Listeria monocytogenes
What are group B Streptococci?
Gram positive coccus
Catalase negative
Lancefield Group B
What can group B streptococci cause?
Disseminated infection e.g. joint infections
What does E.coli cause in neonates?
What is Listeria Monocytogenes?
L. monocytogenes is a Gram-positive, non-spore-forming, motile, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium.
What are the maternal RFs for early onset sepsis?
PROM/prem. Labour
Foetal distress
Meconium staining
Previous history
What are the baby RFs for early onset sepsis?
Resp: Birth asphyxia, Resp. distress
Metabolic: Acidosis, Hypoglycaemia
Signs: Neutropenia, Rash, Hepatosplenomegaly, Jaundice, Low BP