Liver Histology Flashcards
What are the parts of the liver acini?
Central vein (middle drains into hepatic vein)
Hepatic artery, vein and bile ductule
Between these two areas are hepatocytes which are split up with venules, arterioles and bile canaliculi as well as sinusoids
What are the causes of raised BR?
Pre hepatic (unconjugated - haemolysis - FBC and blood film) Hepatic (disease, repeat LFTs) Post hepatic (obstructive)
What is the van den Bergh reaction?
The van den Bergh reaction measures serum bilirubin via fractionation.
How does the van den Bergh reaction work?
A DIRECT reaction measures CONJUGATED bilirubin. The addition of methanol causes a complete reaction, which measures total bilirubin (conjugated plus unconjugated); the difference measures UNCONJUGATED bilirubin (an INDIRECT reaction).
Is paediatric jaundice normal?
Yes - should be unconjugated BR due to liver immaturity, may also have Hb drop early on
In which conditions do abnormal paediatric jaundice present?
> Hypothyroidism
> Causes of haemolysis (Coombes test/ DAT)
What is phototherapy?
Converts bilirubin into two other compounds, lumirubin and photobilirubin which are isomers that do not need conjugation for excretion.
In an adult with isolated raised BR, what is the next step?
Repeat with fasting BR to exclude other causes
What condition would cause an isolated and asymptomatic raised BR?
Gilbert’s syndrome
How common is Gilbert’s disease and how is it inherited?
Common- 1 in 20 (5-6% of the population)
How do we elucidate gilbert’s?
Worsened by fasting
However, phenobarbital reduces levels
What causes Gilbert’s?
UDP glucuronyl transferase activity reduced to 30%
Unconjugated bilirubin tightly albumin bound and does NOT enter urine.
How is liver function measured?
Clotting factors
How is liver damage measured?
Name some causes for prehepatic, hepatic and post hepatic jaundice
Pre hepatic: Gilberts and haemolysis
Hepatitis: Viral, alcoholic, cirrhosis
Post hepatic: gallstones, pancreatic ca.