NAVMEDCOMINST 5360.1 Chapter 1 Decedent Affairs Program Flashcards
Who is responsible for the formulation and promulgation of policies, standards, procedures and training material pertinent to the Decedent Affairs Program?
The Chief Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, under the command of the CNO (Delegated by the Secretary of the Navy)
What programs fall under Decedent Affairs?
Current Death Program Graves Registration Program Concurrent Return Program Return of Remains Program **Casualty Assistance Calls Program not under DAP.
Which DAP is operational on a worldwide basis during peacetime and will continue outside areas of conflict during major military operations?
Current Death Program
Which DAP is is only operational when authorized by the responsible commander during major military operations?
Graves Registration Program (GR or GRREG)
Which DAP is a combination of two other programs and may be activated during emergencies or major military operations when conditions and capabilities permit?
Concurrent Return Program
Which DAP can only be activated upon enactment of special legislation?
Return of Remains Program
Which DAP provides for permanent disposition of remains of those persons buried in temporary cemeteries who could not be evacuated under the concurrent return program?
Return of Remains Program
Which DAP allows for special legislation to authorize the establishment of permanent overseas American cemeteries?
Return of Remains Program
Which DAP provides professional mortuary services, supplies, and related services incident to care and disposition of remains of persons eligible for these services?
Current Death Program
Which DAP provides for the search, recovery, evacuation, initial identification, disposition of personal effects and burial in temporary cemeteries?
Graves Registration Program
Who administers the Navy Casualty Assistance Calls Program(CACP)?
Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (COMNAVMILPERSCOM) - acting for the Chief of Naval Personnel
Who administers the Casualty Assistance Call Program for the USMC?
Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC)
What term describes an activity designated to receive, reprocess, and arrange for the transportation of remains originating in an overseas location?
Port of Entry
What is the order of Primary Next of Kin (PNOK)?
Legal Spouse Eldest child over age of majority Father or Mother Eldest brother or sister Other blood relatives
What term describes an expense incurred in connection with recovery, preparation, and encasement of remains?
Primary Expense
What type of expense is recovery or removal of remains?
Primary Expense
What type of expense is embalming?
Primary Expense
What type of expense is the casket?
Primary Expense
What type of expense is cremation and the urn?
Primary Expense
What type of expense is clothing for the deceased?
Primary Expense
What type of expense is the shipping container and the delivery of remains to a common-carrier terminal?
Primary Expense
What term describes expenses incurred in connection with the funeral and burial of remains?
Secondary Expense
What type of expense is the cost of transportation of relatives to the cemetery?
Secondary Expense
What type of expense is a graveside or a vault?
Secondary Expense
What type of expense is the funeral directors or clergyman’s services?
Secondary Expense
What type of expense is opening and closing of the grave?
Secondary Expense
What type of expense is a floral tribute and obituary notice?
What term describes expenses incurred in connection with memorial services when remains of deceased naval members are nonrecovered?
Memorial Service Expense
What are the three types of expenses?
Primary Expense
Secondary Expense
Memorial Service Expense
What term describes the ashes of a cremated human body?
What form is the Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains?
DD 2063
What form is the Statement of Recognition of Decease?
DD 565