MANMED Ch - 18 Medical Evaluation Boards Flashcards
What authority must a CO of an MTF have in order to have medical evaluation boards?
Convening authority
What term refers to a pronouncement by a physician or by an MEB that a patient previously on light duty or LIMDU has healed from injury or illness?
Fit for Duty
What is a finding made exclusively by DON PEB in determining an ADSM’s ability to continue serving in the Navy or Marine Corps?
Fitness for Continued Naval Service
SIQ status usually should not exceed how many hours?
72 hours
Convalescent leave should not exceed how many days?
30 days
Light duty can only be ordered in periods not to exceed how many days?
30 days
What is the maximum light duty a provider can grant?
up to 90 days
What form is the individual sick slip?
NAVMED 6310/1
In addition to the parent command, who else must be notified if a ADSM is placed on LIMDU/TLD?
the respective servicing PSD
What instruction is the Navy Disability Evaluation Manual?
What are the two purposes of Medical Evaluation Board Reports?
Place an ADSM on LIMDU/TLD or Refer to PEB
Who do DON PEBs report to?
Director, Secretary of the Navy Council of Review Boards (DIRSECNAVCORB)
What form is the Abbreviated Medical Evaluation Board Report?
NAVMED 6100/5
What form is the Return of a Patient to Duty from Limited Duty?
NAVMED 6100/6
What is the online system that requires information to be entered when an ADSM is placed on LIMDU?
MedBOLT - Medical Board On-line Triservice Tracking