BUMEDINST 6110.14 Documenting and Reporting IMR data Flashcards
What instruction is the documenting and reporting IMR data?
How many elements are there to IMR?
How many categories of IMR are there?
What are the six elements that make up IMR?
PHA Dental Readiness Readiness Laboratory studies Immunizations Individual Medical Equipment Deployment limiting conditions
When is the PHA due for AC service members?
within 30 days of birth month
What form is the PHA documented on for locations without AHLTA access?
NAVMED 6120/4
What is from is the DD 2796?
Post deployment health assessment (PDHA)
What form is the DD 2900?
Post deployment health re-assessment (PDHRA)
What electronic system is used to complete the PDHA and PDHRA?
electronic Deployment Health Assessment (eDHA)
What dental classes are considered worldwide deployable?
What is the annual dental exam called?
Type 2 dental exam
What form is the NAVMED 6600/13?
Dental Examination
For how long is a Type 2 dental exam current?
1 year and 1 month
What dental class describes service members who require urgent or emergent dental treatment?
Class 3
What dental class describes service members who require periodic dental examination?
Class 4
What dental class describes service members who require non-urgent dental treatment or re-evaluation for oral conditions that are unlikely to result in dental emergencies in the next 12 months?
Class 2
What are the basic laboratory studies required for a service member to be deployable?
Blood type and Rh factor
G6PD status
DNA Specimen
Where are DNA specimens supposed to be held on file?
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology repository
Where do HIV positive service members receive clinical evaluation and disease specific laboratory studies?
HIV Evaluation and Treatment Unit (HETU)
What form is the NAVMED 6230/4?
Adult Immunization Record
What is the international Certification of Vaccination?
CDC-731 (used to be PHS-731)
What are the minimum immunizations a service member must have?
Hep A Hep B Polio Vaccine (IPV) Tdap or Td MMR Influenza
When is the influenza vaccine required?
beginning 1 September
What from is the NAVMED 6150/5?
Medical Warning Tag Order