BUMEDINST 6440.5D Navy Medicine's Augmentation Program Flashcards
What is the abbreviation NEHSS?
Naval Expeditionary Health Service Support
What is the Navy’s designated official manpower data system?
Total Force Manpower Management System (TFMMS)
What is NAVMEDs designated official readiness system?
Expeditionary Medicine Platform Augmentation, Readiness, and Training System (EMPARTS)
What is the acronym POMI?
Plans operations, and medical intelligence
What is the abbreviation DRRS-N
Defense Readiness Reporting System Navy
What does the Navy utilize to meet the DoD’s requirement to report readiness?
What is the acronym PESTOF
Personnel, equipment, supply, training, ordnance and facilities
What form is the individual Deployment Readiness checklist?
NAVMED 6440/1
If a service member has an ASSOC_BIN, within how many days of checking into a command do they need to complete the NAVMED 6440/1?
within 30 working days
Who directs, coordinates, and monitors the readiness and execution of the NEHSS Platforms?
Chief, BUMED
Who ensures enterprise-wide medical billets are properly aligned in TFMMS?
BUMED Deputy Director, Military Manpower & Personnel (BUMED-M1)
Who serves as the principal advisor for NAVMED total force programs and practices?
BUMED Deputy Director, Military Manpower & Personnel (BUMED-M1)
Who monitors augmentation requirements and Associated Billet Identification Number platform assignments for the overall readiness platforms?
BUMED Deputy Director, Military Manpower & Personnel (BUMED-M1)
Who executes validated missions, mobilizations, and augmentation requirements received via the official Navy Message System?
Deputy Director, Operational Medicine and Capabilities Development (BUMED M-9)
Who tasks NAVMED Echelon 3 activities for the deployment execution of individual and platform augments via official Naval Message?
Deputy Director, Operational Medicine and Capabilities Development (BUMED M-9)
What is the official Naval Message System?
Navy Interface for Command e-mail (NICE)
How often will NAVMED Echelon 3 Activities conduct assist visits with sourcing commands to ensure compliance with BUMEDINST 6440.5?
Every 2 years or as requested
Who maintains the reports individual command personnel readiness utilizing EMPARTS?
Sourcing command POMI
How often does the POMI conduct data analysis for personnel deficiencies, deployment trends, and readiness of Navy Medical Forces obligated to platforms?
Who assumes the Command POMI responsibilities if needed?
Operational support officer (OSO)
What is the abbreviation RCRP?
Readiness and Cost Reporting Program
what is the abbreviation DMLSS?
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support
What is the abbreviation JMAR?
Joint Medical Asset Repository
How quickly must the accountability tool template be forwarded to BUMED-M9 after the official Naval Message initiating a drill?
within 24 hours
How quickly must the accountability tool template be forwarded to BUMED-M9 after completion of a training exercise?
Within 5 business days
Personnel will no longer be assigned to a platform if they are non-deployable greater than ____ days
90 days
What is the precedence in which platforms will be augmented?
What conditions require that NAVMED Echelon 3 activities be notified of TEMADD orders for platform personnel?
if the TEMADD orders are over 30 days or overseas
If platform assigned personnel are going TEMADD greater than 30 days, when must NAVMED Echelon 3 activities be notified?
30 days prior to member’s requested TEMADD report date
How quickly must platform personnel notify the POMI of any change in their deployment readiness status?
within 48 hours
What are the two types of taskings?
Request for forces and Request for Support
Which of the two types of taskings are typically short duration request?
Request for support
Who validates IAs and platform taskings before they are received by BUMED?
How will BUMED M-9 official task an Echelon 3?
via official Navy Message
How quickly will BUMED M-9 task an Echelon 3 activity after receiving the official notification from OPNAV?
ASAP but no later than 2 working days
What is the order of the vetting process?
Reclamation (reclama)
If a member assigned to a platform is willing to extend their PRD to meet the mission’s duration, what is the deadline?
10 days prior to nomination deadline but no later than 90 days prior to the deadline
Who is DIRLAUTH granted between for all equipment and logistics coordination necessary for mission success?
OPNAV may authorize between NAMEDLOGCOM and other commands
A MOU may be put in place between NAVMED Echelon 3 activities for enduring missions
Where will waivers be submitted?
BUMED M9 for final adjudication by the CCMD
What is the substitution order?
Utilize personnel assigned to the requested platform
Utilize qualified personnel assigned to same platform type
Fill requirement utilizing qualified unassigned personnel within the Echelon 3
Submit Reclama
What is the abbreviation ECRC/NMPS?
Navy Expeditionary Combat Readiness/Navy Mobilization Processing Sites
What is the abbreviation OCIE?
Organizational Clothing and Individual equipment
What is the abbreviation NIACT?
Navy Individual Augmentee Combat Training
If an agumentee requires uniforms other than NWUs for CRTS or T-AH, who is responsible for the funds?
Sourcing command
What is the abbreviation SIUUA?
Special Initial Utility Uniform Allowance
How many years must a member be away form a Marine Corps command before they can receive a new SIUUA?
3 years
Who is responsible for travel costs between the sourcing command and the point of embarkation?
sourcing command
Who is responsible for funding PPE, Firearms and Ammunition?
Who is responsible for funding consumable medical supplies and equipment?
Measures the percentage of administrative items completed
Measures percentage of operational billets filled in EMPARTs
Measures overall readiness status of a member or platform
training status