Natsumi Pediatric Flashcards
Children younger than 5, averaging 18 months old.
Myoclonic jerk extremities, chaotic eye movements in all directions, hypertension, palpitations, diarrhea.
PE: palpable abdominal mass, diastolic hypertension, increased urine VMA and HVA
What do you suspect? Investigation? Tx?
Neuroblastoma - adrenal medulla cancer
Tumor biopsy
CT or MRI of chest, abdomen, pelvis
bone scan to look for lytic lesions
Tx: usual cancer tx
Prognosis: 40% survival rate, but children 1 yo have a 90% cure rate
This condition has point mutation that inactives RB Leukocoria, strabismus are associated with?
MRI is best
This childhood condition Slapped cheek appearance and exanthema. lasts 2-4 days with headache fever, sore throat, pruritus, arthralgia. Erythematous maculopapular rash extends to the trunk and proximal extemitites.
Erythema infectiosum
ELISA increased IgM , PCR, clinci l
Self limiting -can use NSAID
Parovirus B19 is associated with which dz
Erythema infectiosum
Hand-foot-mouth disease
- fecal oral route or skin lesion contact or oral contact t
Mcular lesion on buccoal mucosa, tongue that may be painful. Lesion vesicular that erode and become surround by erythematous halol
hands, feet, butt, genital
- Fever of 38-39 C within the first 24-48 hours
Hand-foot-mouth disease
clinical dx, self limiting
Hand-foot-mouth disease
Fecal-oral route or skin lesion contact or oral contact t
- Macular lesion on the buccal mucosa, the tongue that may be painful. They can erode and become surrounded by an erythematous halo.
- Skin lesions are erythematous, tender macules or vesicles on hands, feet, butt, genital
- Fever of 38-39 C within the first 24-48 hours
Hand-foot-mouth disease (Coxsackievirus)
clinical dx, self-limiting
coxsackievirus A16 and enterovirus 71
- Most are asymptomatic
- Fever 101-104 F
- Multiple vesicles or ulcers on soft palate and pharyn surrounded by erythema
- Gray papulovesicular with erythematous base
- Sore throat upon swallowing
- Incubation period: 4-14 days
What do you suspect? Investigation? Tx?
Herpangina - due to enterovirus infection (fecal-oral, respiratory route, fomites)
Diagnosed clinically
Fever, nuchal rigidity/stiff neck, headache, seizures, altered level of consciousness, n/s
Lab differences: (bacterial vs. viral)
Increased CSF protein
Increased total CSF leukocytes
Normal CSF glucose
Grain stain negative
Increased CSF protein
Increased total CSF leukocytes
Decreased CSF glucose
Grain stain positive, positive culture
Meningitis - pia mater inflammation
- Most are asymptomatic
- Fever 101-104 F
- Multiple vesicles or ulcers on soft palate and pharyn surrounded by erythema
- Gray papulovesicular with erythematous base
- Sore throat upon swallowing
- Incubation period: 4-14 days
What do you suspect? Investigation? Tx?
Herpangina - due to enterovirus infection (fecal-oral, respiratory route, fomites)
Diagnosed clinically
Mumps, Rubeola
- Incubation 12-25 days transmitted via droplets
- Fever, HA, BL parotitis with increased serum amylase, ears are displaced laterally and superiorly, myalgia, malaise
What do you suspect? Investigation? Tx? Complications?
Test: ELISA immunoglobulin titer
Tx: MMR vaccine
Complications: pancreatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, infertility, encephalitis, myocarditis, arthritis
Bordetella pertussi bacterial infection
Tx: Azithro
3 stages
Catarrhea stage (1-2 weeks): mild cough, coryza, cyanosis Paroxysmal stage (2-4 weeks): paroxysmal bouts of 10-30 coughs, interrupted by 'whoops" to get air. Vomiting with coughing spells Convalescent stage (1-2 weeks): decreased frequency and severity yhst van last up to 6 months
High fever that lasts 3-5 days which
after an abrupt loss of fever → pink, non-pruritis macules and maculopapular that starts at neck and trunk → face and extremities (lasts 2 days)
Roseola Infantum
Febrile seiuares
Roseola Infantum
RNA togavirus (
Rubella (3 day measle)
Forcheimer’s spot
red sports that develop on posterior soft/hard palate that develop at the onset of rash
Rash that is ITCHY, starts at hairline → rapidly spreads to neck trunk and tst of the body
Rash that is ITCHY, starts at hairline → rapidly spreads to neck trunk and tst of the body
- Morbilliform rash starts at hairline → spreads to neck/face/trunk, desquamates
- Enanthem: koplik spots (grey/white papules on buccal mucosa)
- Prodrome: Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
What do you suspect? Investigation? Tx? Complications?
desquamates = no palm or sole involvement
Test: Clinical
Complication: otitis media, pneumonia, encephalitis, SJS, glomerular nephritis, myocarditits/pericarditis
Vitamin A, immunoglobulin, MMR vaccine