Cardio Conditions Flashcards
- MASSIVE heart with R/L S3 & S4 sounds
- Alcohllism/thiamine deficiency, myocarditis, chemo
- Arrhythmias
What do you suspect? Next step & treatment?
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Echocardiogram*, BNP, ECG
- Same as CHF = ACEi, ARB, Beta blocker, aldosterone antagonist, cardiac glycosides, vasodilators, antiarrthmics
What does BNP measure?
Which suspected conditions would you order them for?
B-type natriuretic peptide, is a hormone secreted by cardiomyocytes in the heart ventricles in response to stretching caused by increased ventricular blood volume.
Cardiomyopathy, CHF
- Autosomal dominance inheritance (chromosome 14)
- Hypertrophy of the ventricular septum than the left ventricular wall
- Palpitations, angina with exertion, split S2/S4, palpble double apical impise
What do you suspect? Next step and tx?
- Etiology: amyloidosis/sarcoidosis, myocardial fibrosis after open surgery, or radiation.
- Elevated JVP with gradually worsening SOB, progressive exercise intolerance, fatigue.
- Loud early diastolic filling sound (S3)
- Mitral & tricuspid valve regurgitation
Chest x ray
vesntricular biopsy
Which valve is most commonly affected in Endocarditis
Staph aureus and viridans
prostethis heart valve
opportunity bacterium
Clinical features:
petechiae on lefs, janeway legs, splinter hemorrange on nail
Janeway’s Lesion
Roth’s spot
Osler’s node
A potential complication of endocarditis?
Echocardiogram blood culture
Endocarditiss teratment
IV antibiotics 4-6 weeks
Myocardits is usually ___ origin, __ valve is the most common valve involved (heart murmur). The gold standard to dx this treatment is ___.
Fever, chest pain, pericardial friction rub. elevated JVP
Myocarditis Tx
- Diffuse ST elevation and PR depression accompanied with chest pain and friction rub.
- Better leaning forward, worse leaning back
Acute pericarditis
ESR, CRP, Triponins I and T, serum creatinine kinase MB
Jones criteria
joint, carditis, subcutaneous nodules, erythema marinatum, subcutaneous nodules
Pediatric rheumatic heart disease
elevated level of anti sreptococcal antibodies
Penicillin and aspirin prednisone
EMERFENT referral
use cardio meds