Botanicals - Cardiovascular Flashcards
Which botanical herb: -Inc. 1/2 life of insulin -Dec. platelet aggregation -Antiox for LDL cholesterol -Dec. leukotrienes C/I: Hypothyroidism and bleeding d/o's Potentiates anticoagulants and hypoglycemic drugs
Allium cepa
Which botanical herb:
-Antimicrobial: (URI)
-Antifungal: (Intestinal parasites)
-Hypolipidemic (Hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, HTN)
-Antioxidant (atherosclerosis)
-Intermittent claudication
Caution: May potentiate activity of anticoagulant meds
Allium sativum
Which botanical herb:
-Powerful circulatory and digestive stimulant (hypochlorhydria, dyspepsia, atonic constipation, etc.)
-Lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL:HDL ratio
-Dec. platelet aggregation
-Depletes substance P
C/I: Pregnancy (GI upset) and leaf and stem are uterine stimulants
Compounds persistent dry cough from ACE inhibitors
Capsicum frutescens
Which 2 botanical herbs:
-Adenylate cyclase activator, pos. inotropic (inc. contractility), bronchodilator/vasodilator, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, anti-histamine, and anti-platelet
-Used for asthma, dilated cardiomyopathy, HTN, allergies, glaucoma, hypothyroidism, and obesity.
Side effects: GI stimulation and nausea
C/I: Active peptic ulcer, pregnancy/lactation, kiddos
May potentiate: cardiac glycosides, anticoagulants, insulin/hypoglycemics, antihistamines, and levothyroxine
May inc. bleed w/NSAIDS and may antagonized PPIs
Coleus forskohlii
Corydalis ambigua and spp.
(Both herbs have same effect)
Which botanical herb:
-Inc. hepatic binding sites for LDL
-Inhibit cholesterol synthesis
-Dec. triglycerides
-Inc. fecal excretion of bile acids and cholesterol
-Dec. pain of OA
-Used for elevated LDL, inflammation, and nodulocystic acne
May induce CYP450 and may dec. bioavailability of Propranolol
Commiphora mukul (Indian bdellium, Guggul lipid)
Which botanical herb:
-Digitalis substitute
-Used for arrhythmias, cardiac insufficiency, hypotension
Side effects: N&V, HA, d/o’s of color perception, death (Tx w/ atropine and monitor K+, glucose, insulin)
C/I: Digitalis spp. and caution w/ other cardiac glycosides
Avoid use of diuretics, corticosteroids, cardiac glycosides, anti-arrhythmias, pseudoephedrine, and Glycyrrhiza
Calcium promotes arrhythmia and potentiates beta-blockers
Convallaria majalis
Lily of the Valley
Which botanical herb:
-Procyanidins and flavonoids inc. coronary blood flow d/t dilatory effects and reduces peripheral resistance.
-Pos. inotropic (inc. contractility), Neg. chronotropic (rate/rhythm)
-Dec. inflammation and capillary fragility
-Prevent collagen destruction of joints
-Lower LDL, body WT and fat
Cardiac tonic and nutritive for the heart (trophorestorative)
-Used for: arrhythmias, cardiac weakness w/valvular murmurs, capillary fragility, mild HTN
-Concurrent use w/antiplatelet drugs may inc. risk of bleeding. May enhance the activity of cardioactive drugs. Avoid concomitant use w/ anti arrhythmic meds. May inc. the side effects of beta-blockers.
Crataegus oxyacantha
Which botanical herb:
-Cardiac stimulant, pos. inotropic, neg. chronotropic, diuretic, emetic (at high doses),
-Used for CHF and atrial arrhythmias.
Side effects: NARROW therapeutic range (GI s/sxs, yellow/green halo around objects
C/I: 1st or 2nd degree AV block, severe carditis, angina, arrhythmias, bradycardia, cardiac hypertrophy, aortic stenosis, kidney failure, hypokalemia, hyper/hypocalcemia, pregnancy/lactation
Avoid hypokalemic drugs: diuretics, corticosteroids, cardiac glycosides, anti-arrhythmics, pseudoephedrine, Glycyrrhiza,
Calcium promotes arrhythmia and potentiates beta-blockers
Digitalis purpurea
Which botanical herb:
Arterial: vasodilation and inc. circulation in medium and small arteries of the periphery
Memory: inhibits cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases and inc. neuronal activity and memory
Lipid metabolism: inhibits platelet activating factor (PAF) dec. platelet aggregation and degranulation.
Anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, antioxidant, nootropic,
Used for: antherosclerosis, intermittent claudication, impotence, post-ischemic stroke, phlebitis, cerebrovascular insufficiency
C/I: intracranial bleed; severe bleeding
Use caution in people taking blood thinners (it inhibits PAF)
Ginkgo biloba
Which botanical herb:
Hypotensive, inhibit myocardial cell firing, diuretic, antispasmodic, sedative, improves mesenteric circulation and coronary perfusion.
Used for:
-nervous, restless, irritable pts, (esp. during menopause)
-palpitations (anxiety), reduced coronary perfusion
C/I: Pregnancy
Leonarus cardiaca
Which botanical herb:
Oil from fruit: topically for dry skin, cradle cap, dec. heart dz risk
Leaf: inc. phagocytosis, bitter, bactericidal/virucidal, inc. coronary blood flow, HTN
Leaf extract: Malarial fever, chills, diarrhea, severe viral INFXN
C/I: Large gallstones
Cautions: GI irritant - take after meals
Olea europaea
Which botanical herb:
-Contains Reserpine which has sympatholytic effect.
-Lowers catecholamines, causes hypotension.
-Used for HTN, insomnia, and nervousness
Side effects: nasal congestion, depression, tiredness, erectile DYSFXN
C/I: depression, Parkinson’s Dz, ulceration, pheochromocytoma, and pregnancy/lactation
Interactions: alcohol, neuroleptics, barbituates, digitalis/glycosides, levodopa
Rauwolfia serpentina
Snake root
Which botanical herb:
-Has similar effects to digitalis, stimulation as well as coronary and peripheral vessel dilation.
-Stimulates the motor neurons of the spinal cord
-Sympathetic stimulant to the heart and kidneys, diuretic
-Used for: impaired heart FXN, rapid pulse w/edema, mitral regurg., angina, palpitations, chest pain, dyspnea, arrhythmia, prostatitis, kidney congestion
Side effects: N&V, arrhythmia, tachycardia, confusion, HA, GI distress, heart failure
C/I: pregnancy/lactation and high doses
Interactions: Potentiate MAOIs
Selenicereus grandifloras
Night-blooming cereus
Which botanical herb:
-Can cause constipation due to tannin content
-Diuretic, broncholytic, vasodilatory
-Stimulate cardiac muscle performance and act as a muscle relaxant
-Use for: bronchial smooth muscle spasms, cardiovascular health, diarrhea
Side effects: constipation and insomnia (at high doses), Amines can trigger migraine attacks
Theobroma cacao
Which botanical herb:
-Circulatory depressant, antispasmodic, hypotensive
-Used for:
Type 1: HTN, insecticide (topically),
Type 2: rapid full pulse, HTN, fever, inflammation, flushed skin, blood shot eyes
Side effects: Lacrimation, salivation, vomiting, burning sensation in throat and mouth, inability to swallow, vertigo, paralysis, convulsions, death (prescribe Atropine and send to ER)
Veratrum album/viride
American hellebore
Which botanical herb:
Hypotensive, circulatory stimulant
Used for: circulatory d/o’s, cerebral circulatory impairment, support for metabolism in the brain, loss of memory, HTN, concussion management to enhance blood flow to the brain
Side effects: GI complaints and skin flushing
C/I: Pregnancy and severe cerebral hemorrhage
Vinca major/minor
Greater periwinkle and Lesser periwinkle
Which botanical herb:
Hypotensive, cytotoxic, immunostimulating (mainly d/t stimulation of mononuclear phagocytic system and macrophage-derived cytokines. Antineoplastic activity d/t stimulation of enzymes that repair damaged DNA by lymphokines. Also anti-inflammatory
Used for:
SubQ injection - tumors
Internal: moderate to mild HTN, weak, irregular heart w/ hypertrophy, SOB, valvular insufficiency, nervous tachycardia, epilepsy, tearing, neuralgia or rheumatic pains.
Side effects: local inflammation of injection site, high fever/chills, HA, death
C/I: chronic-progressive INFXN (TB, AIDS), tumors of CNS or intraspinal, pregnancy, fever, known allergy
Interaction: Tannin content may complex w/ iron and result in adverse sequelae on blood components
Viscum album
(European mistletoe)
Viscum flavescens
(American mistletoe)