diets Flashcards
after stabalized DVT, what supplument
300 mg citrus bioflavinoids PO
for circulatory health
K is for what
clotting and bone
help prevent DVT recurrence
Different form of birth contil
which nutrients are important for thyroid function convertsion from T4 to T3
Bland diet alt name
Low residue diet
low fiber diet
what is bland diet
diet that excludes foods that irritate GI tract like fiber and whole grains, cruciferus
who gets bland diet
GI problems
- peptic ulcer
- divertictulitis
CI of Bland diet
IBD and IBS when acute. They need fiber to slow transit
Elemental diet
liquid nutrition diet with amino acids, short chain polysaccharides and triglycerids
Why elemental diet
maintain nutritional status GI conditions with malnutritions. SIBO Crohn's hospitili
Detox, obesity, diab
CI for fasting
eating disorder
Gluten free diet
celiac disease
remove wheat, barley and rye.
high carb diet
CI of high carb diet
dental cavities
Why use Ketogenic or high fat
low protein, high fat. carb