Homeopathy Quick Keynotes Flashcards
Which remedy has the keynotes: FEAR of death, onset after sudden frights, ACUTE anxiety, agitation, croupy cough, fever, flushed face having one cheek red and the other pale, intense thirst for large quantities of cold water
Which remedy has the keynotes: BLAND lacrimation with SHARP, ACRID nasal d/c that is harsh and may even excoriate the nose and upper lip. Profuse watery d/c “like a faucet”, hoarse, spasmodic cough caused by laryngeal tickling w/searing pain, HA when closing eyes, nerve pain with fear of the pain.
WORSE: heat, warm room
BETTER: open air, coolness
Allium cepa
Which remedy has the keynotes: Indecisive (delusion angel/devil on shoulder), anger and violence towards people and animals, sensation of painful pressure like a band or plug around temples, eyes, and in muscles. Curses after bad news. Low self-esteem. Main remedy for poison ivy w/ tremendous itching.
WORSE: intellectual work, empty stomach
BETTER: eating
Anacardium orientale
Which remedy has the keynotes: coarse rattling mucus in chest or larynx (mucus won’t cough up), sputum thick, dyspnea, tongue has thick white coat, CYANOSIS, acute bronchial dz (bronchitis, COPD, Whooping Cough).
WORSE: heat, lying down
BETTER: expectoration, sitting
Antimonium tartaricum
Which remedy has the keynotes: allergic RXN, reddish-pink edema w/ sudden onset, stinging pain, burning pain, swelling, hives, bites, stings, active, vital, busy people (“Busy Bees”), lack of thirst (esp. febrile cond.), bag-like swelling of the uvula. Cystitis w/scalding pain during urination.
WORSE: heat
BETTER: cold applications
Which remedy has the keynotes: Irritable and averse to company, everything feels too hard (even the pillow or bed), restless in bed, aggravated by jarring, blunt trauma, epistaxis while washing face, acute sprains, bruises, myalgias. contusions, aching, muscular pains, concussion, aches and stiffness
WORSE: slightest touch, jolts and movement
BETTER: Rest, lying w/ head down
Which remedy has the keynotes: VERY thirsty, esp. w/ fever, DESIRES sips of warm liquids often, VERY ANXIOUS about health, asthma, R-sided coryza, cough.
WORSE: cold drinks, Btwn midnight - 2AM
BETTER: heat
Arsenicum album
Which remedy has the keynotes: chronic alcohol abuse, sadness, lack self-confidence, feelings of failure (esp. failed business or financial losses), obsessive SUICIDAL ideas (thoughts of jumping from high places), perfectionist, severe depression, insomnia, religious/spiritual. Bone pains.
WORSE: night, contraindication leads to anger
BETTER: open air, summer for depression, MUSIC
Aurum metallicum
Which remedy has the keynotes: delayed mental development, shy, childish behavior, fear of being laughed at, nervous biting of nails, swollen tonsils and hard cervical glands, atrophy of genitalia, undescended testicles,
WORSE: mental exertion
Baryta carbonicum
Which remedy has the keynotes: intense DRYNESS of mucous membranes, intense THIRST for large quantities of cold water, painful sensation from any motion, stay immobile, vertigo (worse w/motion), RIGHT sided, dry painful cough
WORSE: motion, 9PM
BETTER: Rest, lying on painful side, strong pressure, sweating
Which remedy has the keynotes: Sensation of general or local cold, general weakness and feels she may go insane w/fear someone will notice, overworked, overwhelmed, often over WT, poor stamina, localized sweat on head, fears rats, constipation w/ NO URGE, nails brittle
DESIRE for: eggs, sweets, dairy
WORSE: cold, intellectual effort, full moon
BETTER: Dry weather
Calcarea carbonica
Which remedy has the keynotes: BURNS and BURNING PAIN, pain on urination “each drop passes as if scalding water”, excessive sexual appetite, bloody diarrhea w/burning sensation and foul smelling, burning pains on healthy skin, hydrophobia although extremely thirsty
WORSE: touch, urinating
BETTER: cold and cold applications
Which remedy has the keynotes: foul breath, flatulence, tremendous BLOATING, indigestion, cyanosis of extremities, general weakness and collapse, cold - but averse to being covered, but desired to be fanned, great irritability,
WORSE: rich foods or fat, lying flat, must sit up
BETTER: being fanned, BELCHING
Carbo vegetabilis
Which remedy has the keynotes: cold-induced facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsey), WARTS (fingers, eyelids, nose), soreness of mucus membranes, sympathetic type, great anger over injustice, rebellious, political activists, constant desire to clear throat w/ great difficulty, hoarseness w/ cold
CRAVINGS: salty foods, bacon, smoke meats
WORSE: dry cold and wind, 4PM
BETTER: cloudy, wet, rainy weather, cough better w/cold drinks
Which remedy has the keynotes: abnormally sensitive to pain, agitation, anger, irritable, intolerant, children become violent, scream, inconsolable, toothaches worse w/ heat, diarrhea during TEETHING - stool appears like cut grass, indecisive, capricious, aversion to being touched, EARACHE, extremities feel hot and throws off covers at night
WORSE: anger, 9AM, coffee
BETTER: passive movement (being rocked)
Which remedy has the keynotes: WORMS, nasal pruritus with constant need to bore fingers into nose, ITCHY rectum or vagina/vulva, grinds teeth in sleep, children w/ pale face and large bluish discoloration around mouth or eyes.
Which remedy has the keynotes: Fluid loss, gassy, bloated, distention - no relief from eructations or flatulence, HA - better with hard pressure, diarrhea - worse from fruit and milk, GB dz, hypersensitivity, fear of animals (even domesticated), insomnia
PERIODICITY: every other day or every 7 days
WORSE: fluid loss, light, superficial touch, cold drafts, fog, eating fruit
Cinchona (China officinalis)
Which remedy has the keynotes: paroxysmal cramping pain w/ N&V and/or diarrhea, hepatic and renal colic, dysmenorrhea, sciatica
WORSE: anger, indignation, excitement, strong emotions
BETTER: strong pressure on the painful area, bending double, heat
Which remedy has the keynotes: TUMORS, HARD LUMPS, HARD GLANDS, visual disturbance, lacrimation w/ marked photophobia, ASCENDING PARALYSIS, cancer (esp breast, brain, pelvic) VERTIGO - worse w/ turning head or moving eyes, confusion, dull, brain fog, perspiration on closing eyes
WORSE: suppressed sexual desire, movements of the head or eyes - vertigo
BETTER: heat
Which remedy has the keynotes: dry, barking, WRETCHING, GAGGING, PAINFUL, COUGH w/ neuro s/sxs, violent paroxysms, Whooping cough, SOB, cyanosis, epitaxis, tickling in larynx,
WORSE: night, lying down, warmth of bed
BETTER: pressure of hands (rib pain caused by coughing)
Which remedy has the keynotes: urethral pain during and after micturition w/ sensation of burning and stinging, bladder pain w/ heaviness and fullness - NOT improve w/ urination, URGING when BLADDER is ALMOST EMPTY, cystitis, UTI, enuresis at night in children
WORSE: motion, pressure, contact on bladder
BETTER: lying down in afternoon
Which remedy has the keynotes: BONE PAIN, influenza type syndromes, muscular aches and pains as if bones were broken, excruciating back pain, change positions w/out relief, TENDERNESS of EYEBALLS, intense thirst for COLD WATER, high fever, chills, flu, esp 7am-9am,
WORSE: motion
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Which remedy has the keynotes: CLEAR, PROFUSE, and CORROSIVE, BURNING LACRIMATION w/ irritation and redness of conjunctiva, inflammation of the eyelids w/edema, CLEAR NASAL flow which is profuse, but NOT an IRRITANT, photophobia w/ intense blinking,
WORSE: heat, sunlight
BETTER: open air, cough, better lying down, better in bed at night
Which remedy has the keynotes: HIGH FEVER of UNK ORIGIN, hemorrhages from wounds, contusions, pneumonia w/ BRIGHT RED BLOOD, anemia, paleness, R-sided complaints, fever, epistaxis
Ferrum Phos
Which remedy has the keynotes: Diplopia, mydriasis, paralysis or muscular stiffness, diarrhea (from fright, anticipation, bad news), great fatigue and weakness, drowsiness, stupor, CHILLS RUNNING UP and DOWN SPINE, nervous, fragile people, quiet, fear crowds, stage fright, insomnia from anticipation/excitement
WORSE: bad news, fright, excitement, emotion, HA worse at 10AM
BETTER: profuse urination, sweating, movement or jolts
Which remedy has the keynotes: VIOLENT and SUDDEN congestive HA that is bursting and pulsating, sudden tachycardia, congestive circulatory disturbances, sun or heat stroke, sudden emotions, suppressed menses, recurrent HA in HTN pt.
WORSE: HEAT, alcohol, motion, tight collars,
BETTER: Open air, lying in dark, pressing head btwn hands
Which remedy has the keynotes: dull, slow to receive information, poor memory, cracks, ERUPTIONS that OOZE from BEHIND EARS, chronic DISCHARGE, OM, hearing loss, but better if there is background noise, THICK SKIN,
WORSE: morning upon waking
Which remedy has the keynotes: CHILLY, hypersensitive (esp. to pain), pain and COLD air, sensitive to contact, sour-smelling stool, intolerance to slightest touch, pain feels like a thorn or splinter, ears sensitive to wind or open air, purulent and painful excretions, profuse sweat, anxious, violent, angry, furuncles, abscesses, pustular acne, acute laryngitis w/ STITCHING-like pain
WORSE: cold, cold drafts, winter, slightest contact, uncovering hands/feet
BETTER: heat, when warmly wrapped
Hepar Sulphuris