Nagi's 1st/2nd Leacture CVS Flashcards
What is the kind of oxygen in the arteries and veins in the pulmonary circulation
Arteries deoxygenated
Veins oxygenated
What is the kind of oxygen in the arteries and veins in the systemic circulation
Arteries oxygenated
Veins deoxygenated
Is the heart output in the systemic circulation are equal to the heart output in the pulmonary circulation
Yes they hace the same value
What is the main function of the atrium
It ia to reserve blood not pump it to the ventricle it only pumps 30%
Which one is essential for life the atrium or the ventricle
The ventricle it pumps the blood to the body and it also take the blood from the atrium 70% by. Suction
What is the are the types of the heart values
1- semi-lunar
2- AV valves
Which heart valve have a two cuspids only
The mitral valves between the left atrium and ventricle
What is the highest pressure in the pulmonary circulation
20-30 mmHg
What is the highest pressure in the systemic circulation
It is 100-140mmHg
What is the functions of the AV node
1- it works as a capel between the SA node and the ventricles
2- it works in case of SA node get damaged
How many impulse does the SA nodes generate in the min
How many impulses does the AV node send in the min
What is the function of the cordae tendineae
They prevent the valves from opening the opposite side
What happens in the case of blockage of the AV bundle
One of the purkenje cells works as a node bybrate 20-40min temporary
What is syncitium
It a connection between the cells
What are the types of the syncitium
Two types functional and anatomical
The anatomical when there is no cell wall between the cells
And fuctional when there is a gap junction between the cells
How many types of syncitia does the heart has
1-for atriumial contraction
2- for ventriclal contraction
What happens in the phase 0 of fast response of AP
activation of Na fast channels
Activation of L type Ca channels at -40mv
What happens at the 1 phase of fast response of AP
Inactivation of Na fast channels
Activation of K channels
Activation of Cl channels
Partial repolarization
What happens at the phase 2 in the fast response AP
It is called the plateau The Ca channels opens The L type Ca channels become fully active The Ca influx equals K influx At the end of the phase Na/Ca exchanger works The L type channel stops
What happens at the phase 3 of fast response AP
The K influx continue after becoming not equal with Ca influx due to Na/Ca exchanger
But at -40mv the DRK stops and IRK continue instead
What happens at the phase 4 of fast response AP
The Na/K keep the normal membrane potential
When does the systole happens according the electrical changes f the heart
Immediately after or shortly after the depolarization start
When does the diastole happens according the electrical changes f the heart
At the end of the palteau