Myeloma and Lymphoma Flashcards
damaged light chains in urine called what?
Bence Jones protein
what is MGUS?
monocloncal gammopathy of Undetermined significance
“has the para protein but nothing else”
who gets MGUS?
more likely elderly
why is MGUS important?
more likely to transform to myeloma
does everyone with myeloma have hx of MGUS?
what do you see in marrow with multiple myeloma?
marrow full of plasma cells?
diagnostic criteria for myeloma?
M-protein in serum/urine
end-organ damage: CRAB
what is CRAB?
renal insufficiency
lytic bone lesions
what is beta-2 microglobulin?
measures plasma cell burden
but renal impairment alone can raise it
why is multiple myeloma called multiple?
affects multiple bones with lytic lesions ‘pathological fracture’, long bones, spinal
if patient is ill and has high total protein and low albumin, what could it be?
hidden protein (paraprotein)
what kind of lesions on x-ray for multiple myeloma?
lytic lesion
what is the best single agent for treating multiple myeloma?
what is immune paresis?
in multiple myeloma, you have a high IgG kappa or lambda, but a very low lgA, IgM
transplant in myeloma is what?
autologous bone marrow, to allow recovery from the strong chemo