Mycology Intro Flashcards
single celled fungi
multi celled fungi
fungal infection
Systemic mycosis
multi organ infection caused by fungi
Opportunistic mycosis
fungal disease that occurs primarily in immunocompromised patients
Dimorphic fungi
fungi that can demonstrate both a yeast phase and a mold phase
organism capable of living on decaying organic matter (environmental)
long branching fungal filaments
several hyphae combine to form a meat of growth
Vegetative mycelium
the portion of the mycelium that extends into culture medium and is responsible for absorbing water and nutrients
Aerial mycelium
the portion of the mycelium that projects above culture medium and is responsible for reproduction
a chain of cells formed by budding yeast that resemble true hyphae
sporelike asexual reproductive structures (only involves division of nucleus and cytoplasm)
Imperfect fungi
fungi that undergo asexual reproduction
budding forms characteristically produced by yeast
formed from cells in hyphae which become thickened and often enlarged
also formed from cells in hyphae which become enlarged and thickened
on maturity these conidia are released by lysis of adjacent hyphae cells
SAB agar
general purpose agar
nutritionally poor medium
mildly selective for fungi due to low pH
inhibits saprophytic fungi
inhibits many gram (+) and (-) bacteria
inhibits primarily gram (-) bacteria
IMA agar
used to grow most fungal pathogens
Potato dextrose agar
used to enhance conidia development and pigment production
Bird seen (niger seed) and caffein acid
agar used to grow crypto coccus neoformans/gatti which form brown to black colonies due to phenol oxidase activity
Cornmeal agar with tween 80
used to differ candida species
Candida albicans info
colonies with feet
pseudohyphae with chlamydospores on cornmeal agar
Candida albicans ID
germ tube (+)
maltose (+)
galactose (+)
trehalose (+)
Candida glabrata info
no hyphae or pseudohyphae
Candida glabrata ID
maltose (+)
trehalose (+)
Candida tropicalis info
multi branched pseudohyphae with blastoconidia singly or in chains along the pseudohyphae
Candida tropicalis ID
maltose (+)
galactose (+)
cellobiose (+)
trehalose (+)
Candida parapsilosis info
radiating pseudohyphae and scattered blastoconidia producing spider colonies
Candida parapsilosis ID
maltose (+)
galactose (+)
trehalose (+)
Candida krusi info
long, wavy, branched pseudohyphae with elongated to ovoid blastoconidia, budding off in branches
Cryptococcus neoformans info
found in bat, pigeon and other bird droppings
Cryptococcus gatti info
isolated from eucalyptus trees
Cryptococcus species
india ink (+) for capsules direct Ag test brown to black on bird seed agar forms blastoconidia on cornmeal urease (+)
causes white piedra
blastoconidia and arthroconidia present
urease (+)
White piedra
human hair infection characterized by nodules attached to the hair shaft on head, axilla, and genitals
Malassezia info
causes dermatological disorders such as pityriasis versicolor
growth medium supplemented with lipid (olive oil)
Malassezia ID
spaghetti and meatballs appearance
hyphae and blastoconidia
Rhodotorula info
found in moist environments
catheter line infection
Rhodotorula ID
urease (+)
only forms blastoconidia
Geotrichum candidum
actually a mold that may be misID as a yeast bc of similar morphology
Geotrichum candidum ID
produce true hyphae with chains of arthroconidia