Mutations Flashcards
What is a:
- A rare random change in DNA
- Can result from a variant which is inhereted by future generations
- Can have no effect, be harmful, or in the rare case beneficial
Why do some:
Mutations have no effect
- If the protein from a mutated gene produced works just as well as the proetin from a non-mutated gene
- e.g. multiple amino acids are the same even with a different base
What are the different types of:
- Substitution - when a single base in the DNA sequence is swapped for another
- Deletion - losing a base in the sequence
- Duplication - on or more bases are duplicated
- Inverse - order of bases changed
What increases the:
Chances of mutations
- Ionising radiation and chemical mutagens
What is the:
Model answer of Natural selection
- Genetic variation is caused by random mutations present in the acenstral population
- There is competition within the population
- The individuals with characteristics suited to the enivornment are more likely to survive and reproduce - Survival of the fittest
- These survivors will pass on their alleles for improved adaptations to their offspring who will also show this benificial variation
- The frequency of this allele will increase over the next few generations
Who came up with:
Natural selection
charles Darwin
What are:
- Chemicals usually produced by fungi
- Kill bacteria by preventing cell wall formation and given to patients with a bacterial infection
What are:
Species that causes disease or infection
What is:
Selective breeding
- The process by which humans breed plants or animals with desired characteristics
- Selection of desired characterstics by humans
- Cross-breeding of male and female with desired characteristics
- selection of offspring showing desired characteristics
- Repeating the process ofver many gneerations until allele for desired characteristic increases in frequency
What is the:
Selective breeding present in crop and animals
- Crop - Higher crop yield and more resilience to insects and disease
- Animals - fitter or higher milk, meat or egg yield leading to better suited to surviving poor cliamtes
Issues associated with:
Selective breeding
- Less genetic variation
- Losing useful alleles
- Reduces the ability of the individual to respond to changes in the environment leading to the accumulation of harmful characteristics
What is:
Genetic engineering
- Deliberate modification of the genetic material of a living organism
- Transgenic organisms have a gene from another specie
Name an example of:
Genetic engineering
Golden rice, grown in the phillipines and it is modified to have vitamin A, which is good for vision in the dark. Comes from carrots
What are the advantages of:
- All offspring are genetically identical therefore if you have an advantageous trait, all offspring have it
- reproduction is faster - only requires a member
What is:
- Production of genetically identical organisms
- Mitosis of cells to produce identical ones e.g. strawberry runners
Disadvantages of:
offspring are genetically identical and can all be susceptible to the same disease
Genetic faults will be passed down to all clones
Types of:
Cloning in plants
- Runners
- cuttings
- potatoes
- bulbs
what are:
When farmers reproduce plants by cutting from the parent, dipping it in rooting powder and plant it with a plastic bag over it
What is:
Tissue culture
- Also called micropropagation
- tissue sample is sterilised using bleach to kill microbes from parent plant and put into agar growth medium, with nutrients and auxins
- Encourages growth (example)
- Samples called explants
- Samples develop into small plantlets
- These are posted in compost, with controlled conditions
- Produces large quantities of genetically identical plants
Steps for:
animal cell cloning
- Mature ovum
- Remove haploid nucleus, forming an enulceated egg
- Diploid adult cell
- Remove diploid nucleus
- Fuse it with empty egg from sheep B
- Mild electric shock makes the cells start to divide by mitosis to form an embryo
- Clone is implanted into uterus of sheep C
- Leads to clone