muscular system Flashcards
system of the human body that provides motor
power for all movements of the body.
Muscular system
Muscular system is composed of specialized cells called_____, or
muscle fibers.
are body tissues that provide the force for all body movements.
There are more than ____ muscles in the body, with ___ known muscles
with names.
700, 639
Functions for the muscular system (7)
- Movement of the body
- Maintenance of posture
- Respiration
- Production of body heat
- communication
- constriction of organs and vessels
- Contraction off the heart
Contraction of skeletal muscles is responsible for the overall movements of the body, such as walking, running, and manipulating objects with the hands.
Movement of the body
Skeletal muscles constantly maintain tone, which keeps us sitting or standing erect.
Maintenance of posture
Contraction of the skeletal muscles of the thoracic cage, as well as the diaphragm, helps us breathe.
When skeletal muscles contract, heat is given off as a by-product. This released heat is critical to the maintenance of body temperature.
Production of body heat
Skeletal muscles are involved in all aspects of communication, including speaking, writing, typing, gesturing, and facial expressions.
The contraction of smooth muscle within the walls of internal organs and vessels causes those structures to constrict. This constriction can help propel and mix food and water in the digestive tract, propel secretions from organs, and regulate blood flow through vessels.
Constriction of organs and vessels
The contraction of cardiac muscle causes the heart to beat, propelling blood to all parts of the body.
Contraction of the heart
Constitutes approximately 40% of the
body weight.
Skeletal muscle
Attached to bones
Skeletal muscle
Voluntary and striated (somatic NS)
Skeletal muscle
• Located only in the heart
• Involuntary, striated (autonomic NS)
cardiac muscle
• Can be found on visceral hollow
organs like the stomach, trachea, and
urinary bladder
• Involuntary, not striated (Autonomic NS)
Smooth muscle
Ability of muscle to shorten forcefully or contract.
Ability of muscle to respond to stimulus
Muscles can be stretched beyond its normal resting length
and still be able to contract
Ability of muscles to recoil to its original resting length after
it has been stretched.
The protein fibers of the three layers merge at the
ends of most muscles to from tendons.
forms a connective tissue sheath that surrounds each skeletal muscle.
subdivides each whole muscle into numerous, visible bundles of muscle fibers (cells) called fascicles (FAS-i-kuhls).
The protein fibers of the_____ gradually merge with a layer of connective tissue between adjacent muscles and connecting the skin to superficial muscles. These outer layers of connective tissue separate the muscles from nearby structures.
a loose connective tissue serving as passageways for blood vessels and nerves that supply each fascicle.
- is a delicate layer of connective tissue that separates the individual muscle fibers within each fascicle.
- serves as passageways for nerve fibers and blood vessels that supply each separate muscle fiber.