Muscles of the Velopharyngeal Mechanism Flashcards
Muscles of the velopharyngeal mechanism
Muscles of the velopharyngeal mechanism include those muscles that make up the velum or soft palate (velo-) or the pharynx (pharyngeal)
2 groups for muscles of the velopharyngeal mechanism
- Palatal muscles (5)
- Pharyngeal muscles (50
Palatal muscles
- tensor veli palatini
- Levator veli palatini
- musculus uvula
- palatoglossus
- palatopharyngeus
palatal muscles function
- Act in some way upon the velum [soft palate]
- Will elevate or raise the velum during swallowing + during the production of some speech sounds (all sounds except nasals) - CLOSES SOFT PALATE
- will depress orlower the velum during breathing + during the production of some speech sounds (nasal sounds only) - OPENS SOFT PALATE
Extrinsic muscle of the tongue
2 functions
- pull the palate downward
- pull the sides of the tongue upward
Its functions depends on what other muscles are active at the time
Tensor veli palatini
Origin: medial pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone + anterolateral wall of the eustachian tube
Course: inferiorly, winds around the hamulus. Becomes teninous + then courses medially towards the center of the velum
Insert: on the palatal aponeurosis and blends with fibers from other muscles
Function: Tenses the soft palate
By doing so, it assists levator veli palatini in elevating the palate to occlude and prevent entry of food into the nasopharynx. it also closes for production of some speech sounds
**2 function: pull the anterolateral wall of the eustachian tube away from the medial wall **
2nd function of the tensor veli palatini
Action of pulling the anterolateral wall of the eustachian tube away from the medial wall ASSISTS in OPENING the eustachian tube during SWALLOWING/YAWNING in order to allow air pressure to equalize between the middle ear and outside air
Levator veli palatini
This muscle forms the BULK of the VELUM
ORIGIN: petrous portion of the temporal bone + the medial aspect of the eustachian tube
COURSE: inferiorly, medially, anteriorly
INSERTION: velum; blends with fibers from other side to form a sling
FUNCTION: pulls soft palate posteriorly + superiorly towards the pharyngeal wall [to close the soft palate]
Musculus Uvula
ORIGIN: nasal spine of the palatine bone
COURSE: posteriorly along the surface of the soft palate toward the uvula
INSERTION: the fibers terminate near the uvula
FUNCTION: bulks + siffens the soft palate; it aids in closure of the soft palate
Palatoglossus origin, course, etc.
forms the ANTERIOR FAUCIAL PILLARS (tonsils)
ORIGIN: lower surface of the palatal aponeurosis
COURSE: inferiorly
INSERT: lateral aspects of the tongue
FUNCTION: pulls the palate downward [opens the velopharyngeal port] or the sides of the tongue up (to form a trough)
ORIGIN: lower surface of the palatal aponeurosis, interwoven with other fibers
COURSE: inferiorly
INSERT: lateral walls of the pharynx + thyroid
FUNCTION: draws the soft palate posteriorly, for closure
Pharyngeal Muscles (5)
5 pharyngeal muscles that also contribute to the formation of the velopharyngeal mechanism
These muscles are superficial to the palatal musculature
- superior constrictor
- middle constrictor
- inferior constrictor
- stylopharyngeus
- salpingopharyngeus
How to think about pharyngeal muscles
Remember that they are all THROAT muscles
In terms of FUNCTION, think about what word “CONSTRICT” means “to make narrow”
they CONSTRICT like a boa constrictor
Superior Constrictor
forms the nasopharyngeal + upper oropharyngeal walls
ORIGIN: sides of the soft palate + tongue, and also in the lateral pharyngeal wall
COURSE: posteriorly + medially
INSERT: midline of the pharyngeal raphe (groove, ridge, or seam, often where halves are fused)
FUNCTION: narrows the nasopharyngeal + upper oropharyngeal space
Middle Constrictor
Immediately inferior to the superior constrictor muscle
ORIGIN: hyoid bone
COURSE: radiates as fibers course posteriorly
INSERT: midline of the pharyngeal raphe
FUNCTION: narrows the oropharyngeal space
Inferior constrictor
the THICKEST + STRONGEST of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles
ORIGIN: thyroid cartilage
COURSE: diverse as fibers course both posteriorly + medially
INSERT: midline of the pharyngeal raphe
FUNCTION: narrows the laryngopharyngeal space + upper esophageal sphincter
ORIGIN: styloid process of the temporal bone
COURSE: down the lateral aspect of the pharynx
INSERT: fibers blend with the constrictor muscles
FUNCTION: elevates and dilates the pharynx